
.... Are they getting a renality show? Eh? Eh?

May I suggest a name? Organ Grindr.

Got it,

Heh though what I kind of hate about a lot of fantasy is it sticks to this. I mean it is good to deal with issues of sexism but really your world history and religions are different then ours and yet you imagine sexism happened exactly the same as the popular version of European history? I always kind of saw that

And a couple more, just for fun.

I had a conversation with a conservative member of my family many moons ago where he told me (upon finding out that I regularly contribute money to Planned Parenthood, which I told him proudly) that my feelings on abortion would drastically change when I got pregnant.

Someone should spay his stupid face.


I believe Planned Parenthood prefers the moniker of H.Y.D.R.A

A brief memo to my fellow humans:


Female is the default sex. It's what we all started out as. At least that's true of mammals.

Ladies I'll go on record when I say:

My face was just like

Let's take a look at how much life matters to these people. They have put forth a bill to remove pre-natal care from insurance, they have defunded WIC in multiple major cities, they have severely limited funding for Head Start programs and have shut down hundreds of health care clinics for low income families.

I've been waiting to use this one. Black's Books really just speaks for all life moments.

I will never not love this.

I send pictures of my bookcases to girls I am interested in lieu of dick pics.