
Haha what? Fuck that guy!

It's ok upon falling and dying she was arrest for causing danger to the unborn /sarcasm

They don't care. Deformed babies or babies that only live for a few days are blessing because they can share it's photo around facebook and bask in their own selfworth. "Click like button for one prayer!"

Advice? There is this girl at work who keeps showing people her photos of her newly born baby, her boyfriend, and the guy she was screwing on the side. She keeps asking everyone which man the baby looks like. She's really nice and really friendly and I like her as a coworker but she often crosses the line in the

Expect he was because like most republicans they're antieverything until they need it for themselves and their own happiness.

Sell that PDF on esty and I'd buy it in a second.

I did. It was the best sex I've ever had. They're total freaks. I mean really he was down for whatever.

I agree but that's hard with social media. Do you privately message the trolls then unfriend them? To create a movement of understanding and change people have to speak up and speak loud. All people... maybe I'm wrong I don't know. I'm white so maybe that clouds my judgement but isn't the goal to get everyone to stand

I mentally glossed over that when I read it the first time. It's that kind of thinking that leads to shit like this. Devalue one person and you devalue all of us.

Be your best self darling.

Oh hell nah. You do not get the collar the shitty scifi TV shows/boozing/bingefest. Come back and try again when you've watched Stargate SGI with wine and a bowl of icecream/chocolate cupcake combo in your lap.

and animals...

That's the plan.

True. Sadly true.

You "feel bad" you murdered someone? You "feel bad" ?! I "feel bad" I dropped by toast this morning and that I left my lunch in the fridge at home yesterday. You murdered someone and you escaped justice. Fuck you.

This. All of this.

I'm sorry but nearly $1,000 for a days work is great. If she worked though the whole movie or signed something and they paid her less I'd get pissed but damn $1,000 is amazing. Then again I'm in Ohio and I basically pay my rent in corn so maybe I'm not the best judge of this.

Teenage boys are more scary then adult men of any social class and color. You're 100% right.

I'm allergic to VS bras. They finish the cups with formaldehyde to ensure they hold their shape. I bought one of the high end bras and ended up with red hives in the shape of a bra wrapped around my chest. It was terrible. Everything itched. Since I'd thrown away the receipt they wouldn't even return it for cash back,