

Should I know who this is?

I might have gone a little far but I unfriended 5 people from my facebook after this went down. It seems like a good bar to judge someone's morals on. It was a mix status about how happy they are because of freedom and Jesus and reposting updates from Christian groups who were celebrating.

No can do. I shave my legs and pits nearly daily. I do it for me, my boyfriend, and the general public. No one needs to see that grossness. It's a part of basic self care. I mean if you don't shave it's your right but I will avoid you on the street.

There is a shit ton of college education money inside them boobs.

I got my dog a thundershirt and it works really well but it's still dickish to set off fireworks into the wee hours of the morning. Also, as a environmental education student and hopefully someday employed environmental educator I cannot being to tell you how hard it is to not give these assholes a lecture on the

So you wanna play with magic?

My boyfriend only eats white meat and seafood. I dated a meat and potato eater for a few months and I just couldn't take it. He smelled bad, he smelled like death. I couldn't take it. I'm sure current boyfriend would smell better if he didn't eat meat all but I can live with "only white or seafood and only when we eat

I fully expect to be torn apart for this but I can't bring myself to care about anything but the wage thing. If you sell your body you should expect to be required to look a certain way. It's your right to jump up and down and do tricks to appeal to men and to give them boners but don't be shocked when they treat you

Yep my pug is a fart machine. She'd scares herself with her own farts.

Kelly! You leave puggies out of this. They can't it. All bodies are beautiful. No seriously though, just like in human lots of extra weight can cause serious health issues. Not to body shame pets or people extra weight is a real health issue that causes tons of problems in you and your pets in your older years. Take

Seriously though human encroachment into wild spaces is coming to a head. Reduce, reuse, recycle isn't cutting it anymore, we have to stop building out further and further into natural ecosystems. Not only does this create dangerous environmental consequences but it creates equally dangerous urban sprawl. Build up not


Everything in the world sucks but this gif.

I'm going to go with... all of them

That would be Minority Report and it was awesome.

Good things the people their banging aren't employed by Hobby Lobby...

Gross. I'm sorry that happened to you. People are terrible.

My pug would like to snuggle with your pug. Please and thanks!

I'm like 90% sure she's not 18 yet.