
Well, I told her my end goal was to get her to marry a lady and then have her renounce her Christian faith in a ceremony where all my atheist friends dip her in the blood of babies and kittens. She didn't laugh...

OMG it's like you're living my life. Mom straight up mocks my efforts to get a masters degree (environmental education) because "God will protect us".

Thank you all so much. I normally cut toxic people out of my life. With very little trouble but she's my mother. She had my twin sister and I even though her then husband didn't want us, she raised up alone without another parent for 8 years while working a full time job, and she made sure my step-dad legally adopted

Because a women can't be totally secure in her sexuality as well as smart and powerful? Your buying into the whole virgin whore dichotomy thing. Not cool bro.

Sorry I can't bring myself to care when religious people get upset that someone harmed their symbol. Pretty sure if your god/s was real he/she would be bigger then some writing, a headcovering, or a cross.

I know this is slightly off topic but I think my mother and I might have burned our last bridge over this. She's a hardcore tea party lady and I just can't with her bigoted shit anymore. She's racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-choice, and more often then not finds a way to mock my college education. I love her but I

Well done!!!!

You guys remember this shit?

No it's ok. Sometimes people (or a whole fucking state) has to hit rock bottom to learn. Plus the shit storm would be just fun to watch.

Quick sex toy question.

NOSE!!! Boopable little nose!

I always just put Barbie and Ken behind my bed for a couple minutes because I knew adults did something but I didn't know what.

Sigh, what I'm trying to explain to you is that the anti-choice groups do not few fetuses as "stuff". They view fetuses as people, when you're carrying a fetus they don't view your body as yours. This doesn't even relate to the article anymore so I'm not going to leave any comments after this one but please watch what