David Simmons

So the eventual reveal of the remaining vestiges of unhealthy human under-dwellers will they be telepathic or just vaguely nuclear bomb worshiping?

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No love for the Star Bird Space Avenger? Loved that ship.

I don’t really subscribe to any of the tinfoil hat theories out there, but at the same time I do often ponder how easy it is for the government and media to point at any evidence and say “look at this nutbag” and we all laugh it off. It’s a powerful ability to be able to ruin credibility like that. And no, I’m not

Ahh, the 1940s, when police carrying Tommyguns was normal...

One element of Dune that the Lynch version nails while Villeneuve seems to recoil from is really getting across the diabolically pointless evil of the Harkonnens. Villeneuve’s Baron Harkonnen is pretty much a standard, if somewhat gross, SF movie villain. Lynch’s version is a depraved monster more suited to a horror

You know, I’m not sure why, but I’d really like there to have been a late 70s-era John Boorman version. The glimpses of Lynchian wierdness are great, but I’d like to see this full Zardoz weird (and that’s a movie I deeply adore). 

I don’t know if Lynch fully got the novel (see Paul being an actual god at the end), but on some level his weirdness vibed with Herbert’s weirdness and produced a wholly new type of science fiction movie, one that was totally unapologetic about being strange and off-putting the way literary SF can be. The characters

This is a perfect encapsulation of how I feel as well, except that I’ve seen Villeneuve’s version and like it. But it goes completely in the opposite direction. It’s probably as faithful an adaptation of the story and characters as you could get into six hours, but it does it by losing almost all the wonderful weirdnes

You need to try to develop some empathy.

The truly baffling part about flat Earthers is the why. Why would the government go to all this trouble? How do they benefit from making everyone believe the world is round? NASA benefits? For starters, they’re constantly under-funded, so it’s clearly not working. But second, why would they need to invent a fake

OK, look at this from the following standpoint: There’s a group of Americans, very likely tied at the hip to a certain political party, that emphatically teaches and preaches ‘the government can do no good, the government is incompetent, the government messes up everything they touch’. Yet these same people are

Def check it out if you can - by far the best superhero animated series of all time. BAS also connects with Superman’s Animated Series as well as the initial Justice League animated series as well.

Yeah - they had previously said that they wanted this to be a continuation, not a TV version of an existing game:

“We didn’t start from a place of characters from the games,” Wagner said. “We set things after. We kind of told ourselves, this is Fallout 5, this is just another installation, and we’re starting with fresh

The term you’re looking for is “sleepnude her way thru”

So...very pretty and great sounding, but entirely devoid of anything even remotely resembling a coherent plot or fully realized characters anyone will care about?

Yeah, I agree. It’s such an odd omission.

Even if she initially rejected it (to keep with how DV wanted to end it), he still needed to say it to show that connection is there at least for him.

Plus the “History will call us wives” line is iconic.

Do you happen to have the report on this change? I’m interested in learning more about this! As for business majors being responsible for the deaths they cause, well, there’s a reason why the Business school at the university here is also called “The Psychopath Factory”, so I wouldn’t expect them to be haunted when

This is a sympton of the wider issue of America’s inherent capitalist nature to prioritise profit and wealth over everything else. If an American business can cut costs and increase profit, they will. Whether that be lowering the quality of components (or ingredients with food products) or cutting corners to speed up m

The Cretaceous critter exhibited features never seen before in an insect, such as a triangle-shaped head, an awkward pair of googly eyes...”