David Simmons

If you’re looking for implausible killing machine goes on Revenge Spree , may I recommend Sisu , which is basically unkillable grizzled Finnish goldminer kills ALL the Nazis in 1940s Finland. Its pretty much exactly what you think it’ll be , and more

They’ve done enough world building that there’s likely some sort of audience for something set in the world, but not focusing on the John Wick character.

I’ve never understood why so many people hate Return of the Jedi. A lot of it is surely the too cool for school pose of hating on Ewoks, but there’s just so much to like in Jedi and a lot of it is character focused. Obiwan’s conversation with Luke is legitimately one of the best parts of Star Wars. As a kid it was

“one of the more notable thing about ToD is how the heart-ripping sacrifice scene and the child slavery elements are not muted as one might expect for a PG movie”

how the heart-ripping sacrifice scene and the child slavery elements are not muted as one might expect for a PG movie

Temple of Doom being as graphic as it was is the reason the PG-13 rating was invented. 

I dunno. In Ghost Rider, he wore a hairpiece, but in the sequel, he didn’t.

with the cwverse over they have access to all of the “best” wigs Warner Discovery or was it Warner AT&T could afford. 

He got a transplant too early in the life of that technology and lost that too

The writing was never, ever “good.”  At best, it was pretty good, mostly just passable, quite often bad. 

Just get an 8 year old to smash some Kenner Star Wars action figures together for an hour and you’ll get the exact same writing as Jon Favreau’s writing in the Mandalorian.

That moment where her parents hand her the baby and she realizes what they’re doing, bursting into sobs, is really, really well done by all involved.

I always found it interesting that when given a choice between the two, that NASA supported the ridiculous cartoon movie. They really need to stay away from Hollywood.

I do understand this feeling, and that it can be frustrating to feel like you have to complete a checklist just to watch one thing you might be interested in, but on the flip-side of that...Rebels is absolutely top-tier Star Wars that is well worth your time. It has its kiddier moments, sure, but then so do the films.


Yeah just leave out the fact it’s a $3500 monitor/tv LOL.  

Yeah just leave out the fact it’s a $3500 monitor/tv LOL.  

It’s always baffling how so many people go off a name alone these days and nothing more. I don’t do social media, at all, but a few seconds of looking and I could’ve sussed this out as the wrong Will Smith, and a different Chris Rock replied to him, that’s crazy, what are the odds? 

The Way was an unexpectedly good movie. I wouldn’t call it oscar quality or anything, but it sucked me in and held my attention.