David Simmons

You are preaching to the choir, my friend! Star Wars legitimized science fiction as a genre that could garner mainstream appeal and more importantly, more money. However, as a fan from the beginning, the films also instilled in me a huge passion for behind-the-scenes “making of” specials that showed how the films were

I know of but have not played any Metal Gear.

I can recall long sections of dialogue, especially from the Chief of the Blue Meanies, because the voice actor’s performance is gloriously unhinged and yet further enhanced with the insanely surreal animation.

I just wish that both US and UK theatrical versions were available on Blu-Ray. It’s neat to see the “Hey

Not a good idea. It’s a galaxy far, far away, not the local coffee shop where some Karen is screeching about them being out of oat milk.

If Mangold can capture the visual Technicolor saturation and the cheesy but glorious stentorian dialogue of Cecil B. DeMille’s version, then this could be amazing.

If these delays result in better decisions being made and better films being produced then I’ll be happy to wait, but I won’t hold my breath.

Paul is too diehard of a people pleaser and Ringo is probably just happy to be involved. I have long felt that George was the soul and sage of the four. He was always striving to see things from the largest perspective and as such, carefully consider the impacts of all their decisions as a group.

HUGE fan of that film having seen it so many times in a teeny little pot-smoke-filled theater in Berkeley, CA with my parents who were college students at the time.

I had never looked up the definition of “twee”, but it really is the perfect descriptor for his style.

They’re so consciously crafted for a specific mood, but it’s never a mood that interests me or for which I feel much of a connection. I appreciate the effort he invests, but I feel that the effort should not be so strongly evident throughout the aesthetic of the entire film.

Having been recently perma-banned for “inciting violence” against fascists and Nazis, I’m finding it doubly ironic that I can’t participate anymore, but WOW, what a difference it has made to my peace of mind. As I’m no longer tempted into arguing with strangers, my browsing was much more positive.

Looks like a Thief/Star Wars hybrid with some RPG action. Fingers crossed, because unlike Han, I prefer sneakin’ around instead of a stand-up fight.

I tried several of Anderson’s early and much beloved films, and none of them worked for me. His characters are almost all so taciturn or nearly silent that I cannot relate to or understand them, and this does not help to draw me into the story.

Again, what and where is “the exploited global south?” Your inability or unwillingness to geographically define this apparently benighted region and your place in it lends not one iota of veracity to your hollow accusation. In fact, it makes the smoke and mirrors game you’re trying to play seem childish, petty and

The “exploited global south?” Now you’ve got me really curious. What the fuck are you on about?

If you think that I identify in any way with the sociopathic greed and unabashed narcissism expressed that statement of yours, then you’re even more witless than I initially thought.

I certainly embrace the fruits of capitalism raping the world so my standard of living is ridiculously high.”

Possibly paid for by the massive bailouts of our tax dollars instead of the airlines themselves?

You should worry, because everyone has also seen that you think you’re shit doesn’t stink, that you’ve never done anything wrong and are magically levitating above the rest of us. I pity your sad and lonely life, but I still wish you a good day.

The cult of Capitalism hates workers. LOATHES them. But, they need them, at least right now, and boy do they HATE that because they will jump like Wile E. Coyote at any chance to get rid of workers.  Sociopaths cannot help themselves.