David Simmons

Despite the abundant talent involved, I was only mildly curious about this film when I first heard about it, but now I’m really looking forward to it. It looks insanely faithful to the aesthetic of the toy and it’s world, with the kind of absurdity and cloying colors that one would expect, and yet it also suggests

I like it, or Skynet could be the bad guy a la that amazing short story someone wrote from the point of view of the thing in “The Thing.”

That could work, but as they’ve already done the future war story in Salvation, and although this is quite a different story than that, I fear it would be too similar to be greenlit.

While I will agree that the production values were good in places, there were other points where the images onscreen screamed “made for television.” Star Wars has always had epic scope, and there were multiple moments from this series that were woefully underwhelming in terms of cinematic spectacle.

It’s highly ironic and morbidly funny how the Terminator films began as stories of humanity surviving the advent of AI and machines because of faith and love, but now the franchise has become the story of how the indomitable machine rises from the ashes to once again stalk the silver screen, searching for more

I’ll agree that it’s a good movie, but for me and I suspect many others, it’s the one film in the original trilogy that does not age as well because Lucas took over producing after Gary Kurtz left. IMHO, Kurtz was essential in molding ANH and TESB to be more mature in its story and character elements.

While ROTJ still

I’ve gotten the sense that many fans of this franchise are perfectly happy to have it come to an end, especially if Keanu is no longer a part of it.

Oh, right!  I forgot about that.  I do remember seeing a behind-the-scenes doc where they talked specifically about how they had to add a wall of flames over the shot of the victim being lowered into the magma pit because the ratings board felt the shot was too horrific.

Good point, and you’re right that Brody was played for a fool, but as he wasn’t given much to do in the first film outside of some exposition, it didn’t feel as much of a shift for me as he was never presented as an adventurer of any kind.

It’s a shame that this turned out so poorly. I love the first Thief game back in the day, but I never finished the second.

I’ve never cared much for ToD because I did NOT like Willie one bit and I found Short Round annoying. The kiddie-fication of sequels that happens often when Lucas is involved always disappoints. That said, one of the more notable thing about ToD is how the heart-ripping sacrifice scene and the child slavery elements

Oh, I’m sure they’ll do a great job, but knowing its fake will call my attention to it, and then there’s wondering if he’ll be able to actually sell himself as the character.  I just can’t see it, but I suppose I will at some point!

Really?  I never noticed.  Guess it didn’t last very long.

I’ll be curious to see how they handle the hair. Cage has been valiantly? fighting a losing battle with his hairline, and I wonder if I’d be able to pay attention to his performance instead of looking for the seams.

“Get Tickets Now.” Please? Pretty please? Yes, we know the star is a psychotic POS, but think of the shareholders!!

It doesn’t look like a bad film, but trailers are always a lie of sorts. Regardless, I do not think that if I saw this film, that I would be able to stop thinking about what a horrible person Ezra Miller

Now when someone says; “What a shitty house”, they’re being literal.

I hope this is good.

I initially loved the first three DVD “movies”, but ITWGY failed to make me laugh once. When I watched them again later, all four of the DVDs felt like the writers made an increasing number of decisions for the characters that weren’t in line with how they had been developed during the original run.

Overall, you’re probably right, but Star Wars, at least as far as the Prequels and Sequels are concerned, has generally had very lackluster dialogue. I’ve not been able to make time for The Clone Wars and Rebels, but both seem to be held in high regard on that point.

He shoulda bowed out after T2. None of the sequels came remotely close to the first two films. Each one was just a variation on this scene:

My thought as well.  The show started out really strong.  The writing was good.  The first season was good.  The second season was good, but I could have done without Luke’s cameo.  The third was a turd.  Bad writing.  Sloppy action.  Gideon’s cool and subtle evil turned into a monologuing villain cosplaying as Iron