
Satie's Gymnopedies, The first one.

Not recent, but The Hour, which ended a couple of years ago. Great minimalist, suave opening.

You'd think it's bagpipes in Black Sails, but it's a hurdy gurdy. There's a good making of video on YT.

Les Revenants - Mogwai, probably one of the best opening sequences ever.

The Incomparable podcast said the authors or showrunners told them 1st season is 1/2-3/4 of the Leviathan Wakes. Memory is fuzzy, something like that.

Really enjoyed the 2nd season of Les Revenants. It sort of has a Leftovers vibe in that it's not going to answer everything, there's a big supernatural quotient and it's the reverse of the Leftovers - people come back, but its pathos is more ethereal and subdued whereas The Leftovers is more visceral and gut punching.

I wish it got 2-3 more episodes, it went by so fast.

Maybe Meg is the lens.

For some reason, I thought of Eva Green in Penny Dreadful - that seance.

So w/respect to the Lens episode,

I'm enjoying the show, but it sure is taking its sweet time in developing the film reels plot. On episode 8.

I couldn't wait so I watched the show when it was first broadcasted in France. It was also broadcasted in the UK. So maybe there's some of the audience who are done with the show not commenting.

I was worried by the low ratings in France and the negative realtime tweets, but I agree, I'm happy with the 2nd season overall and yeah, there were a couple of things I wish I didn't see. It's not Star Wars mitochorian or whatever The Force stuff is bad, but small enough to wave away. Looking forward to what the

Or forget that there's an HD version of CBS on their box and wind up watching everything in SD while paying for HD.

I had no problems watching Hannibal tbh because it's so highly stylized and abstract. It's not gory as it is extremely unsettling.

I wonder how much procedurals are used for background noise viewing. I think it's a lot and thus their appeal. Don't need brainpower or full attention.

Same for me - The Knick - but blood and guts is stopping me.

Paul on the road to Damascus. Foreshadowing? Road to Damascus means big changes looming ahead.

Flame … not so on!

Ah, I'm just looking at the subtitles - the Allmans line must be a different scene. That makes sense.