Puff Puff Poof

lol, i know right! He's one of my favorites. He's just so goofy and bizarre. You can tell the actor is having a blast playing the character but still earnest about the role and believes in it. It's the perfect storm.

Thank you for your comment. I will share your thoughts with my department.

Scott, fair enough. You don't see the show as the auteur triumph that it is but for the love of god….HIS NAME IS JAMES!!!

Awww yeaaa, let's throw down Dome style. This episode was another slower one and there was way too much time spent with Barbie and Sam, who are the most boring kill joys ever (#TeamBigJimNRebecca 4eva), but I'm hoping the next episode will have the fast pacing of episode 4. I was almost compelled to use gifs as there

You won't be sorry. Honestly, I don't hate the show…it's not provocative enough for that. It really doesn't stick with me in that hate watching way instead it has this benign and irreverent way of handling it's plot twists and murders which is fun to watch. The best part is that most of the actors seem to ham it up

I feel this way about James. His hem/haw demeanor and slack jawed mouth expressions get me every time. He's just so chuckle worthy. I wish his storyline didn't involve Sam because that actor is trying to bring "intensity" which doesn't jive with the spirit of this crap show. Now Dean Norris on the other hand..that man

It hasn't been completely confirmed but so far "clues" have been leading to Sam (James' uncle) killing her in an attempt to kill Melanie Cross. I think originally he only wanted to kill Melanie Cross because of the night when she fell & hit her head and his sister, him and Lyle buried her. It's getting muddled now

Um, Scott, his name is not Junior…IT'S JAMES! You missed that gem of a line while you were away. I've also solved the mystery to enjoying this show. Accept it for what it is…unadulterated schlock! I'm eating this show up and i like to think I'm not the only one. Below are my highlights:

You're doing it ALL wrong. The more schlock the better…all day, erry DOME! The magic of this show is that it exists in a universe with no consequences, no sadness. I can blissfully enjoy when a character dies because 1) I don't care and 2) there's no consequences whatsoever when someone dies; no one in town cares if

This episode was Dome level of dumb without any of the charm. It also felt totally disconnected from the previous two episodes and yeah, I saw all the thin character connections and schlocky tie ins. The whole thing reminded me of a bad episode of Outer Limits. If they are going down the path of dedicating a whole