
If I was a bit more skilled in repairing issues that would arise, definitely. But, at my current level of expertise, I would only be asking for non-stop frustration and consistently being late to ... everything. So, I'm going to have to say no, though my heart wants to say yes.

Cause that's not as awesome.

No thanks. A person buys an Auston Martin for the class it exudes. Performance is just a nice afterthought. I'll take any Auston Martin over a GT-R.

I don't really feel like this was a fair representation of the world's most expensive parking spots. I was expecting a listing of parking spots that people buy or rates that people pay per month. But, #9, 6, 4, 3, and 1 weren't really costs of a parking spot. I know there are tons of actual parking spots that are very

I'm not even going to try to fathom how you got "Fox News drone" from my comment. I was simply pointing out the obvious, that both sides have their "conspiracies" and that people are foolish to fall for them. You call me a moron, but you're the one who had a knee-jerk reaction, made assumptions about me (who has never

Weird, that's the exact same stuff the Democrats do. Gotta love the New Black Panther party! Funny how that works.

Giz is the only tech site that I generally browse to. I have several feeds on my Flipboard app that shows me other sites.

Yup, darn those ignorant, southern republicans! Thank God there are northern republicans that have heard of 'dem computer contraptions!

I love Pokemon as much as the next super-nerd, but if I had drawing talent like that, I wouldn't be using it to draw Pokemon. I'd do something that would make me some money $_$


... where's the rocket?

I just bought my first iPhone EVER. And, on top of that, it was the free iPhone 4. Does this mean that the Gizmodo staff hates me? I don't worship the Apple god's to quite the same degree. I'M SORRY T_T

I think it's an interesting idea. The e-ink would definitely greatly increase battery life and the lack of glare would be awesome, but I don't think I would be as excited about my phone without all the great colors. Using a phone with e-ink would be a very "meh" experience.

Last I checked, he's Jewish. I haven't listened to him in about a year, but he openly claimed to be Jewish on his show. Plus, he's a former alcoholic. I believe he's definitely a little "off", but definitely not due to alcohol. At least not now.

I read an article about that yesterday; forgot who wrote it, but it was a reliable one. They say that the case actually scratches pretty easily. They have 2 iPhone 5 that are black and during their testing period, both received scratches fairly quickly. The shiny, silver aluminum shines through that black. Jesus will

Jesus, you make good points, without a doubt. But, I still disagree with you. I don't buy my phone because it's nice to look at. I don't display my phone in my house so that myself and others can admire its beauty. No, I use it to make my life easier. I won't take a second look at the aesthetics because I'll be

Yup, this! Plus, I don't care what my phone looks like; I care about what it can do.

It doesn't always have to do with being cheap. I was actually waiting to get the iPhone 4 for free (until reading this article). I wasn't getting the free phone because I'm "cheap". I'm getting the free phone because I'm completely overwhelmed with legal expenses (custody battle) and can't really afford the luxury of

Wow... You were just randomly trolled. Those guys need to chill out and stop acting like women on the rag.

Yeahhhh the market is weird like that. In my opinion, the Zune was leagues better than the iPods of the time. But, Apple hysteria won and the superior Zune died away. Hopefully that doesn't happen with Microsoft's tablet. I would love to see a more competitive tablet market. I have an iPad, but I'd love to have a