
That picture makes me laugh each time. Apparently it costs a lot of money to take a picture of a real dog on your dog seat cover.

That picture makes me laugh each time. Apparently it costs a lot of money to take a picture of a real dog on your

I prefer the dead man’s pose in yoga

What a remarkably stupid idea. So everyone gets a worse experience by default, at a higher price? Is this because their LTE is so bad?

Can you define “functional fitness results”? Is being able to go out and play tennis functional fitness? Is being able to skateboard around for two hours functional fitness?

For me, functional fitness is the ability to excel (when I was younger) and enjoy sports and activities. Running and lifting weights means I can play an afternoon of basketball and not drag around like I’m dying. It means I can go for long hikes and wander around in the mountains and play softball.

You seem very upset over this. There’s nothing wrong with doing everything you can to sculpt your body to the best of your abilities one way or another. If going for a hike or taking your dog for a walk is what keeps you active, and going to the gym and lifting weights is what keeps others active, what’s the problem?

Is being able to go out and play tennis functional fitness? Is being able to skateboard around for two hours functional fitness? Is simply walking at an incline for an hour on the treadmill functional fitness?

And yet “leg day” would be a benefit to anyone who started off walking an hour on a treadmill, and then decided that they wanted to increase the speed and started jogging or running, and covering more distance.
What you deem “good enough” isn’t a universal barometer of functional fitness.

“It’s not about being healthy, it’s about image”

I do the full body workout, since I can only go once or twice a week. And by ‘only’ I mean I’m lazy.

Should have had Gawker link to a gofundme page.

Should have had Gawker link to a gofundme page.

...you’re really looking to buy guns online? And your primary ‘purchase’ factor is “what’s on sale”?
Congratulations on being exactly the type of person who shouldn’t have access to a firearm.

...you’re really looking to buy guns online? And your primary ‘purchase’ factor is “what’s on sale”?

You know what I never, ever do? Spend time on sites like Fox News, Breitbart, or whatever shit Glenn Beck is doing these days. You know why? Because I’m not a conservative, and I’m not going to waste my time with their bullshit.

You know what I never, ever do? Spend time on sites like Fox News, Breitbart, or whatever shit Glenn Beck is doing

Why do conservatives love liberal websites so much? Its like I cant go 5 minutes without someone complaining about how liberal a site is.

Why do conservatives love liberal websites so much? Its like I cant go 5 minutes without someone complaining about

Way to make a request and insult who you’re making the request to in the same post. Guaranteed to be effective.

Way to make a request and insult who you’re making the request to in the same post. Guaranteed to be effective.

Why is it that I always picture someone pressing for more guns/ammo deals looking like this?

Why is it that I always picture someone pressing for more guns/ammo deals looking like this?

I’m really starting to reconsider giving the Olympics and other big events to a corrupt poor country

Conspiracy Theory #1. It was dyed green by the Brasil team to worry the other competitors and give the home team and edge.

I live across the street from a Pokestop and work above one that always has a lure on it (from the business below). It’s the only way I’ve been able to level up to 21.

The last update(Bug) made it so hard to catch some of the basic ones. I’m on level 21 and when i hit 20 it was all down hill. Good thing i live near gyms because with out that its impossible to not money for poke-balls. To ad injury to insult they come out and admit it is a “bug” that is making hard to catch pokemons.