I’m really starting to reconsider giving the Olympics and other big events to a corrupt poor country
I’m really starting to reconsider giving the Olympics and other big events to a corrupt poor country
Conspiracy Theory #1. It was dyed green by the Brasil team to worry the other competitors and give the home team and edge.
I live across the street from a Pokestop and work above one that always has a lure on it (from the business below). It’s the only way I’ve been able to level up to 21.
The last update(Bug) made it so hard to catch some of the basic ones. I’m on level 21 and when i hit 20 it was all down hill. Good thing i live near gyms because with out that its impossible to not money for poke-balls. To ad injury to insult they come out and admit it is a “bug” that is making hard to catch pokemons.
If your skin color isn’t represented in Pokemon Go then you don’t exist.
This is going to come across as racist, but it needs to be said: Many (if not most, I can’t actually work out what percentage of the population has pin straight hair) people are not being remotely represented in the avatar choice; and its not a racism thing, its a design resources thing. The avatars are all identical,…
So I’m a kinda chubby/fat guy and can’t make my character larger, but I don’t complain, this happens all the time in games and dosen’t take me out of the immersion nor I fell discriminated. Yes it would be nice for everyone to be able to have a character EXACTLY like themselves, but c’mon, is it really that important…
Oh come on! Don’t make Pokemon about race! I mean, I get it. I understand feeling misrepresented. I come from a country that is ignored at large on behalf of being technically considered “third world”.
there is a lot of stuff to miss in the games customization of characters, but they basically only made two models, one boy and one girl, and any alteration is purely of the recolor variety. that makes it so they can add things like more skin colors or clothing colors easily, but they can’t do things like make curly…
Im a Spanish/Norwegian mutt, I do not feel represented by the trainer customizing choices in Pokemon Go. Should I get paid to write an article about this horrific injustice? fuck no. #blacktrainersmatter? If this is an actual downer on your life, you need to re-evaluate your life and pull your head out of your ass.…
“But it’s likely that the conversation about the avatars in general hasn’t taken off because...”
But Small believes adding skin colors shouldn’t be an issue. “Changing a skin color is quite similar to changing the background color of a layer in a program like Photoshop.”
I’m sorry but this article seems to be just an attention grab by using race as a touchy subject.
If any of you understood game development, you’d understand the reasoning for this; note that pretty much all girls (regardless of skin color) basically have the same hair. This is because in the grand scheme of things, its much easier to make one “asset” (in this case the hair) and recolor it a dozen times in order…
If you can only relate to a character because their skin/hair is the same as yours i think you might wanna rethink your priorities.
i think people these days are just a tad picky tbh. I mean they already have a shade of brown, im pure white ginger and they dont have my exact tone and hair color. Am i not allowed to complain since they have a white tone by default? No its that people cant let go of a grudge from things prior..
“There’s no excuse for not adding in a few more skin colors,” she adds.
Oh here we go. The offense brigade has arrived.
From the game dev standpoint, avatar customization beyond color changes is most likely due to a few factors. The first being that the focus on the game is not the player but the characters, as player interaction (within the app) is non-existent, having every other guy you run into look exactly like you isn't a huge…
But the avatars on Pokemon Go are not the point of Pokemon Go. Go play The Sims if you want to customize an avatar.