
My mom works with patients who often end up with small wounds. They actively recommend against using things like Neosporin on the wounds. Their advice is typically soap and water, then leave the wound open to the air.

I would view flying with a pet as a last resort.

A note of caution, depending on the airline, check-in person, or flight attendant, they can make you leave the plane with your pet if they believe you have sedated them, even if they are in the cabin with you. I have never gotten a solid answer as to *why*. I suppose it must be a liability thing; not transporting an

There is no regulatory body that “approves” service animals. There are well-known organizations who provide service animals, but there is no one US government-sanctioned “stamp of approval” for service animals.

This post was a wild ride from start to finish.

I just graduated to an iPhone 5 (was previously on a 3GS), so I have never tried this out. I’m super pumped to try it out!!

I know for a fact that orchids hate having their feetsies wet. I keep mine happy by giving them a good soaking every time the sphagnum moss or bark they are planted in gets completely dry, then letting the excess drip off in the sink. They get watered probably once a week or twice a week if it is particularly dry, and

My “rest days” typically mean I get to bed at a decent hour. Various lifestyle constraints lead me to workout first thing in the morning and mid-evening on my workout days, which means I’m getting less sleep than I really should. My rest days then become days where I literally rest (out of bed after 7 am and in bed

I think 60% of plant maintenance is magic. You can plant something in its preferred habitat and keep it watered juuuuuust right, and it goes, “Nah, brah. Imma die instead.” Meanwhile, you can throw caution to the wind, and plant something wayyyyy out of its comfort zone (or place the pot somewhere that does not meet

So, you will eat ... non-picky eaters... ???

It’s your responsibility to not take advantage of a system that exploits workers.

You should go in to a restaurant with realistic expectations of the societal norm. If you refuse to tip, society is going to call you an asshole. You are not making a moral stance, you are being cheap.

Speaking of drainage, most plants need it, and when they don’t get enough, they get root rot. A hole at the bottom of your container may not be enough, either. The water needs a place to go, like over rocks or through a drainage tray. As the saying goes, give plants wet feet and dry ankles.

I have killed succulents and cacti right and left, but can get an orchid to rebloom year after year. Go figure!

I am stymied by my insistence that each pair of pants can only be worn once... if I could just get over that hurdle, I could probably pack into a lunchbox!

I am not saying it is unimaginable, I am saying that women subconsciously think that they look better in outfits with heels on, because we see our beauty icons from day one run around in heels. This happens across society, with both men and women, as our subconscious preferences are affected from day one by the images

I probably will still sign up, but will also set like four calendar notices to remind myself to review my subscription before the promo period ends! :) I need a life hack that reminds me to cancel subscriptions before their promotional period ends ;)

I expected them to be at least one year behind, so that’s cool!

Other than crummy UI for Marvel’s service, would you recommend the service as a way to read complete Marvel runs?