how well the puddle fits

Considering all the stuff that has leaked out since initial reporting about his family’s history with the school, the “homemade” clock, and how he responded to reasonable questions it seems more probable than not that this was an absurdly well-executed ploy by him and his family.

Oh I agree with that. But I’m just getting the impression that his father is a bit of a huckster, plus that (let’s face it) publicity stunt with his moving to Qatar. The authorities should be made to answer and compensate him accordingly, but that doesn’t mean that I have to like them. Or even think that they’re on

basically people, definitely not me, watched the kony 2012 video and reacted immediately and emotionally

I don’t. It’s an exorbitant amount. He should get something a bit more proportionate to the suffering he has experienced.

Fuck that. This was the best thing that ever happened to this kid, and he was in no way ‘damaged’ to the point of 15 million dollars.

he won’t, and now the kid looks like a money-grubbing asshat.

I am starting to feel this way, too. It’s looking more and more like a circus/money grab by his father.

I feel like this kid is Kony 2012ing us

i might be wrong

but i already learned my lesson and have an embarrasing tshirt that I’ll never wear in public so

I am deeply troubled and confused about what hellishly unkempt body part upon which you are forcing that unfortunate reptile to crawl.

You know what’s weird? What if someone DIDN’T want one?

I had a lot of friends in college and in my 20s who were already lapsed Catholics and used to “dine out” on stories about sadistic grade-school nuns. The one I remember the best was from a friend who had a ruler broken over his head when he contradicted a nun — who insisted that Jesus was the only man who was ever

A false sense of superiority, I assume. I don’t get it either. “You hadn’t different experience? THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE SO YOU ARE LYING!

Nuns don’t go around asking for money

Oh, oh, I have an asshole-nun story.

The fans booed the Paris moment of silence because Turkey is not the country Westerners think it is or want it to be. Turkey has become deeply conservative and Islamist under Erdogan and it is hurting our war on ISIS, thanks to its horrible actions against the Kurds.

This article’s description of the Kurds’ actions in

The attempts by authors (such as the one of the articles that Billy quoted) to equate bad deeds by omission as justification for bad behavior now is complete and total bullshit. Should there have been moment of silences or ability to change your FB photo to show solidarity with Turkey after the Ankara attack or

I want that on my Diva Cup.

I’d pitch in to have in monogrammed.