
God, I have stories up the wazoo from eight years of working as a camp counselor, but there’s one that really stands out.

My first year working at sleep-away camp, we did this training activity where everyone had to talk about a time that we felt “other” or ostracized. The new Drama Director (18 or 19 years old) told

Honest to gosh, cross my heart this is true.

That is a lot of assumptions you are making from a 10 second video clip.

If that 8 yr old girl in the video is a mother, dropping her kid is the least of her problems.

According to that argument, any woman with limited access to resources would be justified to kill her child. Furthermore, this justifies a man with limited resources to do something horrible to his wife or girlfriend.

Yeah. Its really annoying how so many are trying to make excuses for what she did. Thwy dont know her story but they assume that she must be some innocent desperate girl.

The responses here make me angry. Does this woman get no blame for what she did? Are we really banking everything on a mental illness and perhaps.. just selfishness?

Not all of them by a long shot. Just the ones who he couldn’t threaten into silence. I’m sure Cosby’s actual number of victims is probably in the 100’s. He’s likely been doing this since he was a teenager. He’s 78, that’s 60+ years of victimizing.

How do you get over the moth ball stench of thrift stores? HOW?!? Ugh. I can’t hang.

No offense Lee Daniels, I love your show but Empire is to our generation, what Dynasty is to our parent’s. Sure you might have more sensical story lines and less wedding massacres but still, you’re a nighttime soap opera. Deal.

Breastfeeding was a challenging, painful time. I have no urge to remember it via jewelry. Who are these people???

Ew. Why would you want to do this? Isn’t the keepsake the baby? Your memories? Why do you need to turn your breastmilk into a pendent?

I have to say though, when you do these little small gestures. It really does matter to some of us. I still remember the free hershey pie that I got after Burger King messed up my order, on a particularly terrible day, a few years ago. The wait on the order made me late for something I had to do, although I can’t

The word that needs to be used here is Classism.

I always thought she kinda looks like Nicholas Hoult.

Whaaaaaa?! That is actually, real-life insane.

Too common of a story 😔

I read a follow up interview to the original HuffPo story and the author talked about this. Everyone in that room was very young and none of them knew what to do or felt they were capable of intervening. One witness who was a teenage boy at the time said it haunted him for years and he felt incredibly guilty for not

And memory is notoriously unreliable. We don’t just remember—we hone the stories we tell about ourselves about our pasts.

YES and its also entirely possible that either Jackie Fuchs, having been drugged, is remembering this wrong, or the rest of them also having been heavily into drugs/underage/psychologically vulnerable are remembering this wrong. Its entirely possible that all of them are quote-un-quote telling the truth - even if