Buyers remorse?? STFU.
Buyers remorse?? STFU.
Seriously.... You cannot be talking about JG and using the phrase buyers remorse.... The man hates women, what he did is not really BDSM and none of those women asked for what he did to them.
You can’t be talking about Jian Gomeshi, right? Because it would be ridiculous to say what you just said about him.
Oh, for fuck’s sake, you are one fucked up racist.
I really wish there was a process where people could nominate other posters for ungraying. I will never understand the process by which they make the determinations. So many excellent, substantive, long-time posters stay gray, while new posters who are quasi-trolls or spend most of their time insulting the site and…
It must be such a glorious burden to be the only person who knows all the right answers and be surrounded by people who are full of shit. You must be a fun-loving and wonderful person to be around.
Oh, sorry, I didn’t realize you’re a troll. Carry on.
Awwwww. One of my pups, Buster, is absolutely amazing at sensing when I’m upset. He’s not at all a lap dog and he hates being carried (he’s only 14 pounds, but he’s a BIG DOG, and he will thank you not to forget it), but he can always tell when I’m upset, and he always comes running to curl up on my lap. And sometimes…
Funny thing is that I would be willing to pay a little extra for clothing that is well-made. Considering the (lack of) quality of their full priced line, I doubt I would ever buy from their budget one.
If the quality of their full priced line is abysmal, why would I want to pay any money for a cheaper and likely even crappier quality line of clothes?
My god, can their t-shirts get even thinner? I guess we’ll find out.
I guess the quality will be even shittier than it has become at J.Crew. Might as well just shop at Old Navy and call it a day.
But will the quality be any better, or will it still suck?
I’m 57 and I think texting is heaven. I hate the whole, “Hi, how are you? Fine, How are you? What are you doing? Nothing, What are you doing?” thing. I will meet you anytime, anywhere for a walk,meal, drink, swim, hang and love it, but I cant stand small talk on the phone. I drive my friends and family crazy, they…
Yeah I don’t believe it either. People somehow called each other before Bluetooth. And what, are they saying they never, ever watch television, take a bath, see a movie, read a book? Anyone who has time for those things obviously has time for an occasional phone call.
I never understood the need by some (and from what I see on the road most) people to talk on the phone while driving. Your radio/cd/mp3 player doesn’t work? Do you not have some things to just think through to keep you occupied? Are you really that bored with yourself? For me, driving allows me time to decompress,…
Dear Everybody, PLEASE STOP CALLING/TEXTING WHILE YOU ARE DRIVING. It is so fucking dangerous, and rude to the person you’re calling, and did I mention dangerous? I have been nearly hit so many times by assholes staring at their phones or jabbering away while barreling down the road, and I have had to take so many…
Also everyone saying they do it because it’s literally the only free time they have in their day, I don’t buy it. You just don’t want to make the time for it.
Another really good option is realizing that nobody cares if you send out engagement announcements.
Although she can try to drop subtle hints about talking while driving, the only thing it will do is stop the phone calls all together. If she enjoys the friendship and this is the only thing that really bothers her, then she should just accept the limitations. The older I get the more I realize most of my friends have…