What are you smoking? It’s a golf club. Riding crops are not made out of shiny metal. The angle at which she’s holding it, with the grip closer to the camera than the head, makes it look shorter than it is.
What are you smoking? It’s a golf club. Riding crops are not made out of shiny metal. The angle at which she’s holding it, with the grip closer to the camera than the head, makes it look shorter than it is.
I’m truly shocked at how snarky Andi manages to be while still being completely wrong.
there are times when everyone truly is wrong and you’re the special snowflake who sees through all the static and is correct. this is not one of those times. it’s a short iron.
It’s an optical illusion. Imagine if she extended her arm.
Skip to the 3:00 minute mark. Clearly a golf club.
It’s a golf club. She uses one when performing her song Blank Space. You know, like in the music video.
You can tell it is a golf club, because it just fucking is one.
CAN’T BE. What’s that hanging over her shoulder then, if not the head of a golf club? The handle, yes, does resemble that of a riding crop. But if you follow it all the way through the whole photo, that is clearly a golf club.
No, that’s clearly a golf club. Unless you are riding horses REALLY wrong.
I hope I like it too
This girl has been let down by adults throughout her life. This is going to sound harsh but the fact that her bio father and you both bailed contributed to her current situation. You married her mom, became her new dad and then left. That’s great that you are supportive as you are, but still... Second marriages almost…
No, no, no, no, no. Have a discussion with her. Put forth the option of abortion if you want to.
If she chooses to have the baby and you cut her off financially for not having had an abortion, both the baby and your step daughter will suffer. They will live in poverty and struggle.
My therapist would say for you to take a moment and wonder how it feels to be her right now. I think you could have a compassionate conversation with her about reality. Take a pad of paper and a pen and write out w her how much her life costs. In the context of understanding and helping, you could ask her if she feels…
These “tacos” are really gross looking....
Those do not look good...
I agree. I don’t think the texture of the hardened spaghetti would be pleasing and I’m not usually someone who is picky about food texture.
Our 10 year high school reunion was supposed to be a $45 Mexican buffet in a funeral home. Not enough people bought tickets so it just got canceled. NO SHIT SHERLOCK. I can’t stop laughing.
Your coworker is a poor driver.
“Juvenile female passengers, listen to me: you can do better. If you can drive stick, step up from that passenger seat! “