
She looks like she could be Cindy Crawford’s mom.


My mother was at the vet once and this breeder came in crying with a cocker spaniel puppy that didn't meet AKC standards so the rules said he should be put down. The breeder couldn't bring herself to do it so she brought it to the vet hoping he could give it away. The cocker was black and white so AKC standards said

Wow! What an absolutely disgusting comment. The women who Gomeshi raped and choked were not suffering from “buyers remorse”. Why are you here making that kind of comment?

Lol, you can’t even spell “feminist”.

I agree that quality is the issue. If something is made well, I'll pay more but I'm not paying $100 and more for gross rayon, paper thin cotton blends, or a poorly cut or sewn garment. It's incredibly hard to find well-made clothing at any price point these days.

Using a clean cloth to remove the dirt on the body isn’t gross. The only gross thing in the equation is the dirty body. After the shower, the body is clean and the wash cloth gets washed in hot water and dried in a hot dryer, so no more gross body germs. I agree that used wash cloths vegetating in the shower for next

No, because you should get a clean cloth every time so why would it have bacteria?

Please get your thyroid checked! Hypothyroidism can cause hair loss. Are tired? Do you have dry skin? These are also symptoms of low thyroid function.

Someone on group think suggested putting kitty’s paws in water when we were talking about a different cat that wasn’t drinking.

I actually think yiu could do this because I’m sure you could write songs, ala Taylor Swift based on things you’ve said here. Write a few songs and try them out at an open mic night. Do it!

That’s just movie shorthand, like when you see people make a date and never give the time or place. Those kinds of things would slow the action down and waste time that could be devoted to story.

Teach him the basics of swimming and water safety yourself. Swimmies are great but kids can get overconfident with them and get into trouble in the deep end. Don't take them away, just make sure he can at least dog paddle to the side of the pool.

She wouldn’t be nervous if she thought her plane was going down, she'd be terrified. She's acting.

I know what you mean about girls like the ones on Jersey Shore but I've always thought that was a function of them liking to feel their hair extensions because they're not used to the lush fullness. Have you noticed regular young women stroking their hair?

I disagree. A wedding is a party and it’s up to the host who is invited. If someone wants to invite three people from a group but not the other six or only invite the kids they're closest to, that's completely their prerogative. Weddings cost so much money so the guest list sometimes needs to be cut.

Paris was playing with her hair throughout the plane “crash” so her acting skills need work. She kept brushing her hair out of her face so the camera could get an unobstructed view of her face.

I had a different take on Sonjna. To me it didn’t really seem like she got backbone but that she was manipulated by Dorinda into exploding to deflect from people calling her out on drinking too much. It just made get look weaker and crazier rather than like a strong woman with backbone.

I agree. I have a deadbeat dad father and he called me after years of not and said, “You never called me.” I said, “YOU were the adult.” Because all three-year-olds know how to pick up the phone and call someone whose number they don't even have, right?

Yes, I take it twice daily and I've been on it about 6 years. It's expensive, though but the manufacturer has a discount card that my doctor gave me that saves me about $100 a month off my co-pay.