
Opana. It works pretty well and doesn't make me feel drugged or sleepy. It's supposed to be a pretty safe narcotic.

I have kids and love kids but parents who expect you to adore their kids like they do are the worst.

Just be careful about getting sucked back into your mother’s orbit now that she’s sick. Before I cut off contact with my mother I went to another state to tend to her after her cancer surgery along with my three kids under five because there was no one to leave them with. The trip involved a flight, again with three

Sometimes it's very hard to make yourself do what you know you need to do...

I don’t think it’s cowardly to keep news you know will be disagreed with from people you’re financially dependent upon. Is there any chance your parents might suprise you and be accepting? It's different when it's your own kid sometimes.

Chronic pain is awful. I have it, too. What do you do or take for it?

Yeah, she still sounds incredibly deluded, what with all that stuff about they could never be together because of distance and the sacrifices it would entail. The guy just has poor character and was using her.

Supposedly those kids have fetal alcohol syndrome so the outlook is not rosy.

Oh, I see. Lexington won’t be like Atlanta but it might be like Macon or Columbus.

Your mom probably got mad because she felt guilt. That uncomfortable feeling usually angers people who aren’t willing to admit they’ve been wrong.

The South is not the hotbed of racism everyone thinks it is. Some isolated small towns have their share of ijits but I think you'll be fine. You might have some culture shock, though depending on where you're from.

You were a child, not a responsible adult. You weren’t the party responsible for calling CPS; your mother and the other adults were.

There’s quite a bit of difference between her choosing to wear some average-looking workout clothes that most women own and being TOLD to wear a push-up bra to work. Agency, man.

Yeah, it’s amazing that she did this but Sandler is powerful and I worry she’ll get blowback.

So many men lie about their height and want to argue that they’re 6’ feet when they’re 2 inches shorter than my 5’11. Dude, lying doesn’t make you look taller, it makes you look stupider.

Yeah, I’m 5’11 and have never understood why people think it’s acceptable to make comments or ask questions about my height. People would never ask a stranger’s weight but feel fine asking me how tall I am. Recently I had a woman actually run across a crowded conference center to ask me how tall I am! I’ve taken to

Courts are what English people call pumps, so just a basic closed-toe high heeled shoe.

Strapless looks good on very few body types. The reason so many wedding dresses are strapless is it’s cheaper and easier for the manufacturer to produce from what I’ve learned watching “Say Yes to the Dress”.

This show is hilarious, from the unneccesarily dramatic music during prosaic moments to contestants without the self-awareness of my dog losing their shit. It's not meant to be taken seriously. Saying you can't watch a clip is kinda weird...

He’ll make a hot bald guy. Not a nice one, though.