
Black honey was my gateway drug

I’m going to buy it, I’ve been looking for a very similar color


There are more of us

Is Ryan gonna be there?

I’m definitely willing to apply the logic to both of them. SHUT THEM DOWN

And my erotic fanfic has a topic

I would bang, especially bearded Ryan. I’m gross and I know it

That’s the DC special

Like there is so much fanfare because this is actually her first pregnancy?

I will preface this by saying I’m a huge fan of his but everywhere he’s mentioned I always see people talking about how shitty he was 10+ years ago and I think it was a nice little column about growth. I might be extra biased though because I know that I’m a much better person than I was a decade ago

I believe he also helped Isbell get sober

He did an Instagram live miniconcert the other night and it was great.

I think a lot of his assholery comes from the pre-sober era but I could be wrong. He’s a good Instagram follow these days

We sing that song all fall without fail

I loved easy tiger but most of his albums don’t stay in rotation long for me. He writes some amazing songs, some horrible and little inbetween. There’s also some redundancy in lyrics and music but whatever

Rove is attractive compared to Bannon which is horrifying to even type

Anecdotally I know many women who just can’t manage sex right now with the crushing frustration each day brings

I’m genuinely curious to know how Trump will affect sex/birth rate.

We had Foley’s too, which bought out May D&F. Take as old as time...