
The formerly slow moving coup is highly coked up and doesn’t even need to know how to turn on light switches.

they are in the process of being systematically destroyed, by executive order, senate confirmation and tweets in the middle of the night.

My personal favoritebit of news today concerning our dear Senators was this one over on Politico, where Congressman Reichert told his fellow lilly-livered elected officials:

If Trump thinks he has it bad over here, it is going to be 10x worse over there. The public is allowed to get ridiculously close in England, the first thing he will see out the window of AF1 will be protests and every second on the ground will be people yelling at him. He will be forced to see the hatred for him.

He’s way more attractive with a beard, chest hair and as a creepy-ass serial killer. The only way I’ll watch these movies is if they do, indeed, become a prequel to the Fall and he accidentally strangles whatsername and discovers he likes killing more than sad kink.

This is almost exactly what I’ve been saying since the Inauguration: Trump is a typical, old white guy who married a much younger woman and spends an inordinate amount of time trying to convince everyone that his was just as big as the young black guy’s who was there before him.

It strikes me that it is possible that this administration is not using data or evidence for their decisions, policies, and EO’s. That is truly shocking. <s>

I work within a 5 minute walk from the Oklahoma City Bombing memorial.

I encourage everyone to read up on Timothy McVeigh’s political ideology.

He was a white nationalist, isolationist, 2nd amendment enthusiast, distrustful of big government. He and Michael Fortier drew up the diagrams of how they would blow up the OKC

They are actively keeping them shut. I’m from PA and Toomey has been damn near impossible to get in touch with. I’ve been calling him for days and there is no way to get through or leave a message at any of the numbers. I checked out his Facebook page and there are literally thousands of messages from constituents

These assholes are trying to spread the opposition thin. We’re ready to fight them on every front.

This is 100% Trump and Bannon overthrowing the democratic government to install dictatorial rule.

I’d love a steady stream of celebs and politicians who get themselves invited to Trump WH events and then don’t go, but post about it on social media, or do something else the same night like protest or fund raise for the resistance.

I’m looking forward to 4 years of anti-crashers. I’d love a steady stream of celebs and politicians who get themselves invited to Trump WH events and then don’t go, but post about it on social media, or do something else the same night like protest or fund raise for the resistance.

Our gap basically spans in 80s so we frequently have this conversation where he said “I can’t believe you haven’t seen _______” and I say “well I was negative 3 when that was on TV so...” It goes the other way too. I’ll say “I can’t believe you’ve never seen (some 90s cartooon) and he’ll point out he wasn’t watching a

Primeminister May is currently visiting.

Anyone who says this isn’t straight up fascism, is a straight up fascist themselves. Our right to peacefully assemble, which means anything short of actually smashing shit up, is guaranteed by our 1st amendment constitutional rights. Don’t think for a second that this law will not be used by a federal agency at some

With respect, I think the moment you talk about “life”, you’ve already walked down a path that the anti-choice movement has spent years building psychological tripwires into the populace.

This is some petty shit and I am living for it.

it’s a little demoralizing to turn on the tv day after day and hear...