
Empathy..ask your Doctor if it's right for you!

I've never flirted at work because I work for my Dad. This is Alabama, not Mississippi.

One Leg At a Time

I have a mantra when I get dressed in the morning; it starts when I pick up my socks: "May this be the hardest part

Also: I prefer "merkini" over "furkini"

Right? Like, I liked the one where the restaurant was underwater and the sign said "we will be back" or the one that was blown out and the sign said "open". But "happy birthday Random Dude"? "Its [sic] a girl"? C'mon, McDonald's. Try harder.

Do not mansplain this to me.

Boobs are not feminist. Just because that boob wants its freedom doesn't mean it deserves it.

Same. What happened to feminism? This ain't it. This boobs.

Seems pretty standard these days.

Same. I thought this was a feminist blog.

Wow, Jezebel. So disappointed in you.

Very true, but if you like the old stuff as opposed to most stuff that's out right now, then Bruno is a good deal. Saw him in concert and it was like watching The Time for 2014.

I loved that performance.

How about "gadget"? That's what my mom calls ladyparts.

Nonsense. Those people can trust you because hey, what more can you do to them?

Well, she was raised well. You don't show up empty handed to someone's house!

uh greed.

It breaks my heart that she thinks that being arrested is proof of her wrongdoing, or of her being complicit in her own assault. That she thinks being "suggested" to apologize was justified by her being complicit. Janay, nothing you could have possibly done justifies your being knocked unconscious and dragged out of