
I was thinking something like JavaScript would be a good choice since you can use it for front end and back end development.

Is this a f*cking joke. At first I thought, what’s crazy is that we have to write an article explaining why and how you should have the common decency to call if you can’t make it at an appointment. Then I get to the comments section and see this kind of shit. Just think for like 2 seconds about what goes on in the

We agree on the power of Love, but you keep talking about christian heaven and a christian god. This is where we diverge. I believe that calling love a duty so you can enter heaven completely diminishes it. It’s not a cover fee to eternal happiness.

I completely and wholeheartedly reject the notion of a “creator” or a “design”.

“I stopped believing there was a power of good and a power of evil that were outside us. And I came to believe that good and evil are names for what people do, not for what they are.”


Scott Adams fans aren’t called ‘heads’. They’re movers, shakers - the doers of the world. That’s why they’re called Dildoers.

I bet the highlighter circler is old enough to have used faxes with thermal paper. Back in the day, anything you actually highlighted on thermal paper would turn completely black within a matter of weeks, thereby destroying the exact data you thought was so important in the first place. So you quickly learned to

I dunno, I’ve reconnected with girls I used to hook up with via happy birthdays

Trump is the gift that never stops giving.

This is a “brawl”? Hell, I want fists flying and people landing on their asses. These guys are just doing slap fights.

“It’s gettin’ physical!”

First, even though it feels like we’re going around in circles, shining a light on Donald Trump’s stupidity and possible treason is having a good effect. The most recent Gallup poll shows Donald Trump with a 37% approval rating, which is unpresidented for a new President. 58% disapproval rating, and apparently 5% of

Lock! Him! Up!

Committee: “Mr. Comey, how long does it usually take to investigate possible collusion between a sitting U.S. President and a foreign adversary?”

I was saying that about the GOP years before Trump was elected. A party that ruins its own country in order to gain power, influence and wealth is the very definition of traitor.

These motherfuckers are all a bunch of traitors.

Exactly. I didn’t have a lot of respect for Republicans to start with, but they’ve lost the little I did have for them. They went on and on about executive overreach with Obama’s executive orders and cried about how much tax payer money he spent on golfing. But I hear NOTHING from them about Trump’s orders or

I like how Gov Lepetomane Pres Trump quotes the “failing” Washington Post when it suits his needs.