

Just amazing how learning to drive in Chicago and environs makes for a more prepared driver. Bad weather is more of a challenge but better prepared.

Clean little car and a wagon!  NP


Do I really need to say CP? Reviews during the day gave the car marks for handling but just like Honda Accord pulling the pregnant whale look of the Touring.  Every time walking up to it is an experience of the not good kind.  Really do not care about the price of a ZDX or Touring  I would take a pass.  When Honda was

NP. Love the period upholstery.  Just change oil and drive till it quits.

The pistache of names that inputted content is amazing. de Toamaso had a hell of a job to build any part of this when looking at this wonderful output like Panters, Mangusta, etc. Anything over $1o is CP. Wonder how the last Thunderbird would do with this group?

So SoCal. Quite the looker but just because really tacky with every cliche of the 50's. Skirts on the rear wheels!! Continental potty seat on the back!!!! Is that a color available from the factory?  Never seen a top that color.  Anyone building or buying this has a personality problem unless they enjoy spectators

CP. I have had some fairly heavy duty 60's and 70's beasts and I have no desire to try them out again. The parts are worth more than the entire vehicle and that to me is in the neighborhood of $5,000 to $7,500 on a really good auction day. I say again CP. The only reason for me to even entertain 1960's is the basic

CP so what needs to be done next to this money pit?  Have to make this quick my dog is demanding his evening so journ.

Thank you for the correction.  I though it was pronounced Pig Out.

Because the Le Car was such a hot seller.

Take it easy on “The English Guy” after all Brits I have known still have a terrible time saying anything god/nice about any French. Goes back to when a French King won the English throne back around the turn of the year 1200 AD. Now with Brexit enough Brits think they are considered less than something or other.

Somewhere in the back of my feeble brain is a Federal law from the 1930's that required shotguns to have no more than three shells IN the gun. Including magazine and firing chamber. How do I know this? My father had a 1919 Browning 12 gauge automatic that I used with a qualify. Never put three in the magazine and one

You know the twister is getting close when the hail starts zinging down and the sky turns pea soup green, it is time to kiss your ass good bye. Considering damage hail can do these dimples are nothing and does not effect the overall car.  With those miles crap happens.

If I had not been looking for a wagon this size I would think the price is really high. Vote for NP. Watch various places like BAT and try to even find a decent wagon. Test drove this era of Mazda wagon but with being spoiled with a Honda wagon I passed on the new Mazda.  Mistake.  Both on the Mazda and selling the

Very mixed on this one. Before I would think much more I would have to have a real inspection. The drive train would have to be ..... If the mechanical parts check out someone would get a lux car for a reasonable price.  So which is it?  Teeters towards CP


Over the years I have replaced any from the factory tires with Michelin Tires. I have lived in various climates. Michelin tires go the distance or more than warranty. Never let me down and I am not a conservative driver. No more autocrossing. Never had any need for winter tires. Only thing I ever stuck was a 4wd

Comment about renaming Escalade to Fleetwood.  That name reminds me way to much as the preparation for a colonoscope.