
What started as interest dropped through the trap in my brain when I got to selling price.  Can you say Frankencar?  CP

Ran into the same problem with my mother. Whenever I could get my hands on her 1978 Malibu I would drive it just to get it warmed up. I kept her in that car because she really did not need a new car. First of all the problems were from driving it 4 blocks to go bowling and Wendy’s about once a week. The big expense

The only thing you missed was trying to drive one in a gale force 4 cross wind on an M way was not just a challenge but down right scary. Next to a lorrie with water pouring off the tires added to the fear factor. Luckily I had a spare pair of knickers in my luggage. Another feature was the only way I could get the

The color was popular for many years. Remember it as early as the 1961 Chevy Bel Air in “Fawn Beige” that my mother drove. That was a boring color on a boring car and for that matter any car. Only “color” more boring is black. The Ford Probe and Mazda version were good cars. Compare to others put out by the Big 3 and

As for gasoline mileage even with the Sky Active engine is easily eclipsed by my Honda Pilot Touring AWD. It is the 8 or 9 speed and routinely knocks out 23 mpg. I realize it is top of the line and more expensive than the Mazda but “saving” on gasoline by downsizing is not worth it. I have been watching the electric

FAKE NEWS!!!!!!! Are you colluding with Russia now?

Using the perjoative “idiots” is sinking to his level, e.g. Little Marco, Crooked Hillary and new ones everyday. I cannot believe Trump completed any education past grammar school.

Any idea of where the driver was during this royal f...up. Driver been found? Could this have been a stolen car? So many things to wonder about. Does fit several acronyms for Ford such as Found On the Road Dead, Fix Or Repair Daily, etc.  This can be modified for Fiat also.

Looks like Elon took a page from Henry Ford’s Model T list price. You can have any color as long as it is black and everything seems to have a option price of at least $1,500. Look long and hard at the list prices where he claims “savings from gasoline” and any tax credit is his to get to selling price. Fraudster. I

Have you ever driven or ridden in a car with rubber band tires? This is for masochists.  How much do you want to spend to undo all the mistakes.  The CarFax for this vehicle should be a riot of warning marks if all reports are filed on it.

This does not even warrant a slot on your blog.  CRACK PRICE!!!!!!!!  Only place this needs to go is the junk yard for parts.  Air suspension is notorious for needing repairs.  Was it even offered from the factory?  At the number of miles and the way it looks to have been used by a pimp trolling for customers, it

Bulbs of garlic would be better. Keep away blood suckers. The system of numbering will help because it will only confuse the hobgoblin’s of the underworld.

Bought just about the same car in dark blue as it came off lease about 1994. Other than the usual consumables include timing belt the automatics transaxles were typically good for about 90,000. We went to almost 200,000 miles after that. Only did routine maintenance and a compressor for a/c. Do not remember why we

Steve Miller must be part of the chain.

The biggest problem GM faces is dealerships and the reputation of Opel. Stopped at our local GM dealership and asked when the Buick wagon could be expected. Salesman did not know. Finally when pushed he took my name and phone. Must have written it on an ice cube. Never heard from them. Next up is I had a new Opel GT

Stand out in the crowd vehicle! I’ll stick to my 1988 Yellow Honda CRX Si with 87,000 mile on it that I bought new and have maintained it to be my casket. Of my “fleet” as the guys I worked with referred to my collection, this is the keeper. Rest of the “fleet” includes a 2oo5 F250Power Stroke with 260,000 miles on

You said everything I think about this miserable tough minded person. Have to wonder how he developed his racist thoughts. Wrong then and wrong now. Wish we could just dump him on the shit pile of history and not bring him up again, just like Hitler.  Only revisit to show the terrible truth of how they were as a human

Check put Honda’s move to change gear selector from an easy to find long lever to hunt in the dark buttons to find on the console where manual shift levers resided in the past. The humongous screens are a pain to use and on the Tesla block vision for drivers of average height. I really like to see where I am going and

Insanity is the use of using acronyms that really cannot stand by themselves and really need to be explained. e.g. is “milf” which could be a new subspecies. The really wacky one is use of “junk” to describe my genitals. I rather like mine and they are not junk. How about a blog that has a post that uses IMO after

If you insist on using “PoV” why not write the actual “word point of view” (PoV) so it is very specific or do you really mean “piss on vocabulary?”