Public Pretender

I like physical copies, but there's a limit. I snagged Infinite Jest for my Kindle when it was $3 or something, and I was thankful I did so. When I get around to Against the Day, it will be another one for the Kindle.

If you like Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell and need more, check out Crowley's Little, Big.

Yeah, that's the one. $6 for the Kindle to avoid carrying around a 1500-page book seemed like a good deal. I've read a few chapters so far and found it very engaging.

After being a 165-pound stick figure (I'm 6'2") in early August, I'm up to 185 and no change in my waist size. Mostly upper-body work.

Still working my way through Stendhal's The Red and the Black. I like it, but for some reason it's not a fast read.