
Right. The original statement from Swift’s rep literally said:

How about a person should be able to celebrate their youthful hotness now and then without being reduced to their hotness quotient first and foremost in all aspects of life no matter what else they do?

My grandmother doesn’t need a caretaker. She lives her life just fine. Not in exactly the same way that she did when she was 30 or 15, but then neither do I. What part of “dealing with seniors is like dealing with toddlers” do you not understand as generalizing about senior citizens? Replace “seniors” with any

I wouldn’t dismiss the medicine thing outright either.

When I read your first comment I could see where you were coming from but was also tending to give the person you replied to the benefit of the doubt. Then they came back with comparing old people to toddlers. Fuck no. I get that dealing with people with advanced dementia (of whatever age, but most often senior) can

Generalizing about all senior citizens being “mean, ornery and demanding” and comparing them to toddlers is bullshit. I completely agree with the person who said they wouldn’t want you taking care of their aged relatives. My grandmother is 89 years old, completely with it, not mean, ornery or demanding, and a fucking a

5dimes’ “Visa processor” page is currently collecting credit card information via unsecured http. Not cool.

I think he does get what you’re saying about social media/twitter having its own vernacular, but that maybe comes more from having sat in on his (awesome) classes, than from what he wrote there, so, yeah. I read it as more like he’s highlighting the orality of social media styles compared to formal writing cuz he sees

I haven’t heard it in a billion million years, but I used to really like Curtis & Kuby. It was sorta what Hannity & Colmes was allegedly supposed to be — like with actual dialogue and a liberal person capable of persuasive argument.

You could also try CookieSwap or Multifox for FF. I like CookieSwap personally.

One of my favorite things Michael Jackson ever did was his Scarecrow in the movie. Tough act to follow.

But the whole point of nonprofits doing celebrity collaborations like this is to use the celebrity's name recognition and cool factor to raise money and awareness. So I mean, I don't really know who Lena Dunham is as a person. But as far as this t-shirt thing goes, I think it's a pretty great example of everything

I dunno, maybe you're already aware of this, but I think the original post here is kind of misleading, as it doesn't clarify that all proceeds from sale of this shirt go to PPACT. So I see it like this: She is using a "merch" opportunity, in which people will totally buy t-shirts with her name on them, to raise

Also the proceeds from the sale of this shirt go directly to PPACT.

Also proceeds from the sale of this shirt go to PPACT

To me it's not so much about whether or to what degree Lewinsky was wrong to have an affair with a married man. It's more about whether or to what degree it's wrong to actively humiliate someone for having an affair, and how much private information about consensual affairs should be shared publicly. Personally I

From reading her speech, it seemed like a pretty big aspect of bullying for her was the way that extremely intimate details of her relationship were Clinton were made public, and also the way that those intimate details were used over and over (and over...) to publicly shame her. "Humiliated to death", indeed.

I appreciate this statement, but it also makes me sad that "let the men amongst our number preemptively respond" is perceived as a reasonable and acceptable means of persuasion. I get it, but it's sad.

Hand-sliced? Ooh, fancy.

Don't know much about burgers myself, but American cheese is a critical component to the diner grilled cheese, that great comforter of small children and the elderly: eaten in small towns and in big cities, simply prepared by even the most unschooled of cooks as well as by any gourmand with a heart. Who dares to