
Please do not put words in my mouth and do not twist my words to support your argument. I never said the system coddles rape victims at the expense of railroading innocent men. What I said is that there is a trend in articles, thinkpieces, blogs, and blog comments to conclude that a person reporting a sex assault will

I agree it varies by jurisdiction, which it shouldn’t because no one is protected, perpetuating the abuses of the criminal justice system.

I don’t need to hear any more blood boiling details- the cops mistreating someone they dislike is just part of their regular business.

does not mean you’re a rape apologist. Sorry, long day at office.

Thank you. I feel people are missing the point- that believing in due process of law does mean you’re a rape apologist or an MRA- it means you believe in that everyone, regardless of how heinous the allegation, is entitled to basic rights. Due process is a feminist value.

There’s no need for a personal attack. I’m simply stating my frustrations based on what I see as a lack of understanding for basic due process rights in the context of sexual assault allegations. If believing in the Constitution makes me part of the problem, I will happily continue to be the problem to ensure everyone

I’m not saying there isn’t systemic mistreatment, by definition I represent people who are systemically abused by the system, often from the day they are born. What I’m saying is thinkpieces about reporting sex assault always conclude that you will be disbelieved if you report without any data to back it up and I

What I’m saying is that anytime you read a thinkpiece about the treatment of sexual assault victims, the conclusion is always that if you report to the police, you automatically will not be believed and you will be abused by the system. Do I think that happens? Absolutely. I have clients who have been victims of

A couple of points- I don’t think this is a conflict that cannot be resolved. I think in the context of sex assault and DV advocacy, you should believe the people for whom you’re advocating. But this position of taking an allegation as completely true should not translate into the courtroom- an accuser’s testimony

There does need to be a broader understanding of trauma and its effects on people because the majority of my clients have experienced extreme trauma in their lives, which often explains their actions. Your example of Battered Woman Syndrome is a perfect example of that because it can and should be a defense (if it

“These aren’t uncommon reactions for people who have suffered violence at the hands of sexual or romantic partners (and attacking a sexual assault victim’s credibility is a defense tactic as common as it is ugly).”