P.T. Suttery

I'm scared to give it a listen. I don't think I have the right temperament to enjoy them anymore.

Oh! Calcutta was a fucking great punk record.

I dunno, I thought a hat in Brazil meant cutting off a referee's head?

Kevin Smith really knows the psychology of a lady.

Oh man, thank you for contributing!!!!

1. I guess my criticism is I've seen her play both those songs live and with the presence of the saxophone (in Marrow) and the keyboard (in Cruel), I kind of hoped she would let loose a little in those brief break and she didn't. Maybe it was just the show I saw — maybe she has a little more flourish other times. But,

I THINK I CAN CHANGE HER. I mean, I've seen Chasing Amy. Can't be that difficult.

I agree completely. Guitar is actually one of the easiest instruments to master. There aren't the kind of physical challenges to it that other instruments have. There's been many great classical musicians who simply lose the ability to play difficult pieces with age. I don't know if that's the case with guitar

I was lucky enough to have a Kawaii baby grand growing up (a gift from my dad to mom when they actually had money) and I've played in bands as a drummer or guitarist since I was a teen. But, mostly I just have a serious passion for music of all shapes and sizes.

Proof! I demand proof!

Don't get me wrong, she can play a bit. But, her "shredding" is overstated. She hits the fuzz pedal, gets a dirty tone, and then sort of wails away without any real structure. Sometimes she hits upon something emotional that connects with the song, often times she doesn't — which is fine because she rarely has

She's not a great guitar player, but god damn is she a great song writer.

One of her new tracks includes a line about getting head butted by Zidane.

Wrong Annie Clark!