Martha came back to earth, started working for UNIT/ Torchwood, married Micky …. and is supposedly alien adventure hunting with him.
Martha came back to earth, started working for UNIT/ Torchwood, married Micky …. and is supposedly alien adventure hunting with him.
The doctor will see them again….
Spoilers on episode 12 seem to strongly indicate what Missy is doing with these folks, but I won't go into that here. But, yeah, the doctor is going to have to consider all the folks who died as the result of his mis/adventures.
Actually the Borgs were Star Trek 's answer to the Daleks.
True but Donna was not a Moffat creation so she was written in a more developed manner.
The Waters of Mars was noteworthy as it saw the Doctor become Time Lord Victorious. Without a companion, he had lost touch with reality and was truly manipulating time - even the fixed points he had previously moved away from.
It was a benchmark in the (at least rebooted) Doctor Who storyline. The Doctor who needed…
Rose was a shop girl before and after her doctor travels. Since she seemed to stay with him in the interim -less reference to him leaving and picking her up- I doubt if the 19 year old laborer kept a job for long is at all during this period. On her alternate universe, she also became a member of the resistance as…