
That was only after the pedo defending tape resurfaced and that tape only resurfaced after the media was looking to take Milo down for his trolling performance on Maher.

Not sure what AV Club's vendetta against Bill Maher is. Bill was not as tough on him as Larry Wilmore but he did show how much of a 2 dimensional troll this guy is despite his claims that people are complex. With the sunlight on him as Maher says, people started to really look into this guy. This Joe Rogan tape is old

I guess I'm in the minority of those who actually like Will Forte's childish behavior. It did get a bit repetitive and the show works well in the lonely moments but usually this led to some of the funnier jokes. Plus Forte can pull off the unlikable guy in a nuanced way.

Sure, I was actually referring to the half-hearted impersonation of himself toward the end of it.

I had to triple check this wasn't a Clickhole article. I actually thought this was too shitty of a thing for a person to say but the Associated Press doesn't lie. I pray Johnny remains mentally sound and I hope he will be OK.

"Tell her it could stretch for miles, tell her!"

I account their relentless banter to their personalities, I am also willing to forgive this slight embellishment of reality because, after all, it is a movie.


I know this website is associated with a parody news website, but I don't think you're being ironic when you are confusing Sweden and Switzerland. Pretty different.

I know this website is associated with a news parody website. But Sweden is not Switzerland.