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    Hallie is delightful in the Battle Of The Year episode, among others.

    Everything I've heard about We Hate Movies sounds like a bunch of guys yelling at a movie and making dumb voice impressions. (Which isn't the same as MST3K at all, in my opinion.) Which, quite honestly, sounds like my personal hell. I can't stand bad impersonations, which is why Sklarbro got jettisoned off my listen

    Mike Nelson is a pretty staunch conservative Christian (his wife is involved with Bible study, I believe), so that and the numerous other religious films (Left Behind, God's Not Dead, Saving Christmas, etc.) are pretty much off the table. He's also the least interesting of all the former MST people on Twitter. He just

    Bethany was the sexiest person this season? I'll kindly beg to differ. I just never got over her "gee-golly" tone. The terrible realtor sisters were meant to be the eye candy team, but the clear winner were the cyclists. Attractive and SUPER confident. I really wouldn't mind if Kym or Allie helped me get in shape,

    Meghan and Cheyne, gosh. That team always confused me dearly. They were clearly better than everyone else that season and I usually find competent teams attractive, but both gave this weird offputting feeling throughout that season.

    The wrestlers lost in the most TNA/Impact Wrestling way possible. They managed to get super, super lost and they end up unable to do the Roadblock. That might have been one of the most satisfying Phileliminations (sp?) ever. Brooke was just beyond her insane self complaining that a team that hadn't won a leg yet was

    I'm scared for all the women, especially after they just went up and jobbed Charlotte for no reason during her first appearance. But I'm especially just ghostly white afraid for Bayley. She'll be the female Eugene in no time. Run, run while you still can! If you're going to be called up, run!

    It's just stunningly sad that few people watch NXT, and hence R-Evolution, not just because it's only on the Network but also because people probably dismiss the "developmental" aspect. "None of these people are John Cena, so who cares?" It continues to be mindblowing how much better NXT is than the main stuff, which

    Yeah, I wasn't sure who was going to make the thread this week - so we'll just go with this.

    An "earworm" is a term for a sound/song that gets stuck in your head due to being catchy. The show's theme song just got in your head and wouldn't get out. In fact, if you asked someone of a certain age about the show, they'd probably bring up the theme song first.

    Yeah, the bonus round on that show was essentially impossible if you got the wrong continent/country. United States? Okay, doable. South America? Tough, but doable. Africa? You're screwed.

    The best part of that bit is the rest of the clip features just as much gold, including Bobby Brown saying for no real reason that "I've been to jail before, that's American!" I miss when reality TV wasn't so self-aware and depressing to laugh at.

    I wish these continued looks into the industry would do something, ANYTHING to stop the absolutely crony, creatively void, completely illegal nonsense that plagues WWE, but nothing happens until the McMahons are removed from power. And that's not just going to happen. I wish someone would find a stock loophole or

    A good part of it might be jealousy, a good part of it might be that I'm not particularly religious and find that type of messaging that comes from people like her (or the movie based on her life) really, really off-putting…and the other is I don't think she seems particularly bright or interesting. So perhaps it's

    An Amazing Race Thread: In Which We Miss The Cyclists (Season 25, Episode 10)

    Considering how bad current WWE is, plus all the major, major drama taking place (Punk's podcasts, Vince's incredibly tone-deaf interview that buried 95 percent of the roster, all the assault allegations), it is in Big Dave's best interest to stay the hell away forever. He'll do far better in movies.

    I don't know how RLM feels about it, but I'd be annoyed if I did all the great work RLM did AFTER the Plinkett trilogy and still were known only for Star Wars. Best/Wheel of the Worst, Half in the Bag - a lot of the stuff they've done is far better than this stuff. Fans also wonder if RLM keeps holding back Plinkett

    This episode is the reason why I don't watch most reality TV, because most shows lean to nice, reasonable people getting kicked off because they accidentally slighted someone. Again, only goddamn crazy people (read: Brooke, dentists) would give a damn that an otherwise competitive team doesn't talk to other teams. I

    This show really needs to start penalizing teams for alliance bullshit. Because it's so boring to watch. It's a goddamn race, not "Oh no, that team hurt my feelings because they're so much better than us." The cyclists seem like people that want to be themselves…and outside of the scientists I'm not entirely sure I'd

    Can't lie, the completely random Hi & Lois tangent during the post-credits just killed me. No, I had no idea that was a spinoff of Beetle Bailey!