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    I know that Brooke's not much of a wrestler, nor do Knockouts (TNA's name for women performers) have particularly long matches…but Brooke, you're a pro wrestler! Don't complain about running - you should have ALL the cardio! (Though I suppose there's a reason why bad wrestlers often have to put on rest holds to get

    "You'rrreee a fuuucking psyyyychooo."

    I just don't get the "lol Nintendo get new ideas" train. I don't care if they're using the same licenses as long as the games still appear to be incredibly fun. Nintendo is the only company of the main three that makes things that I can smile at…games that make me want to play video games instead of feel embarrassed.

    There's actually a lot of fascinating information about old Nickelodeon game shows, including former contestants reporting on how absolutely impossible some of the bonus rounds were. Notably Legends of the Hidden Temple, because of how the temple was randomized, the temple guards were in unavoidable places, they'd

    Under no circumstances am I saying manga or graphic novels are superior formats, but at least those stories sometimes…end. Naruto of all stories is (finally!) ending! (I kind of wish the One Piece manga would find an endpoint, if only because it'd be nice for the anime to stop being terrible.) Current content creators

    Scientists are sadly probably toast next week, as they just have no sense of direction. They're pretty decent on tasks though! It's either them or Tim/TeJay, as the wrestlers seem like the kind of team that just bumbles into the final three. I do hope the Soul Surfers go away soon, because they'd be mildly

    One of the bigger problems with mainstream pro wrestling (primarily WWE, but these wrestlers are from TNA) is that performers are essentially bolted down by the creative team. We don't want showing off by yourself, we want you to play a character! Don't get yourself over and popular with the crowd, we TELL you when

    Good for him, but they need to scrap the live gimmick and just run like normal. It doesn't add anything to the show. (And wow, they need to stop depending on guest stars.) The show itself is also suffering from the fact that reality TV has just gotten SO BAD. I mean, not cheeky bad, but literal "No, really…they made a

    Kym and Alli are adorable and most importantly, competent. I hope they go far. I'm pretty sure a lot of people watching would totally pay to have a drink with Kym. She's just a bottle of energy and cute as well.

    I can't remotely lie, I'm extremely judgmental on those who watch this show and Duck Dynasty. I really think there's something mentally wrong with you if you unironically enjoy either program. And I'm not some crazy rich person, I'm just a regularly lower-middle class guy struggling like everyone else. Have a little

    The cyclists are the attractive, energetic, SMART team we deserve on this show. I mean, some of us do miss the stupid yet attractive realtors, but they weren't long for the race. I was super-happy the cyclists dominated this leg.

    Oooh yeah. Not going to get that image out of my head. Something like me not really wanting to play the Bayonetta games because the character looks at times like an ultra-sexualized Sarah Palin and just…no. There's way too many problems with those words I just wrote down on the Internet.

    That's nice. All this money to animate…that.

    Sorry Teti, but I think there needs to be a thread for those who prefer the non-DTV RedZone. I personally think Scott Hanson is a much better host. He looks like a brick of a man, gets less things wrong, tries not to editorialize, doesn't have to constantly promote game listings and just gets through the day much

    Well, I was going to eat at a Chinese restaurant anyway on Christmas Eve.

    Oh. Huh. I knew this show had premiered. Shame it got cancelled, all shows should have a ch…this lasted THREE SEASONS? Really. "The Rememberer" also sounds like some terrible psychopath third-rate Batman villain who stumbled into a video game.

    Meh, the 9/11 macro that's terrible but never fails to make me laugh is Hulk Hogan (in his yellow garb) big booting the towers, not to mention his giant mug scaring the hell out of fleeing victims.

    This was just an idea that ANYONE outside an executive's office would say, "That's probably a bad idea. And you're spending WHAT for it?"

    I'd actually argue that offensive linemen tend to be the smartest people on the field at any given time. Some of them come from prestige colleges, play a long time and from what I've gathered, are the best interviews because they can string words together.

    I say this as someone who hasn't watched a single episode of modern Nikita, but…did anyone else get put off immediately by the fact (that and Piper Perabo in Covert Affairs) that Maggie Q doesn't look remotely capable of taking out anyone? She's an attractive lady, no doubt…but I'm just not buying her or Perabo being