
Well, could be worse, they could have been going for “the insane” title in wow. Wonder where bungie got the idea...

People trying to ‘own the libards’


Let people enjoy things you do not enjoy.

Oh fuck you, you piece of shit asshole. STOP RACING YOUR CAR ON THE FUCKING HIGHWAY!

If you haven’t experienced the 22 minute time loop, you haven’t played more than an hour. (the first time loop starts after you leave the museum I believe.) The first time I woke up and had the launch code...I knew something was up. Second time it all made sense.

I was going to say that commercial came out at least 5-6 years ago...It came out in November 2017...fuck these last 2 years have gone by painfully slow.

Now with snark. HE GIVES HER THE KEYS TO THE SUV, BUT SHE RUNS TO THE TRUCK!! OK Karen you can’t start the truck with the SUV keys...

This shitty blogger is triggered by “ok”

In addition to California, the other states are: Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin.

So you are hating on cali for having strict standards, but you don’t want cali to have the right to have strict standards?

Found the Toyota fanboi/employee

Nice try troll. 

What the fuck is a bob evans?

Because the blogger is so young they probably don’t know it exists.

Won’t remember cars that we fucking owned, and drove as our first cars.

They have already made malt beverages out of bud light... since 2012 but you leave out all the ritas (there are over 15 flavors) to make your point?

Bud light lime, bud light limearita (and the 50 other flavors), bud light lemon tea, bud light chelada, bud light platinum...

not pharaohe 

Did you finish Vicar max’s companion quest? While Parvati is my favorite (i just call her Kaylee...cuz firefly) I thought Max’s quest line to be pretty good. Way better than a few others. Ellie’s quest was terrible, felix was good, Nyoka wasn’t interesting, and I wish there was one for max.