
How is your social credit score doing now after this post? 

They already changed undead characters to show zero bones because china told them to. They changed hearthstone card graphics because china told them to. They made warlock pets different in china (no succubus).

You didn’t read the articles about the epic game launcher and how it would scan the computers files/registry and then transfer all the data back to china?

It is a fucking game. That they get paid millions of dollars to play. Stop being a douche canoe and enjoy the fucking game.

There is an owner that is a chinese business owner. They wont do anything because they want to suckle on the teet that is chinas money.

and posted this too

The people who give you power rarely has to answer to anyone. It takes dozens murdered from negligence (PG&E) or mass murder from deferred maintenance(PG&E back to back years) for them to actually face any repercussions.


You’re a horrible person.

The outrage is kinda silly.

She murdered a black man in his own apartment?! ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUSLY TRYING TO FEEL BAD FOR THIS WOMAN?!

How about...I know this is crazy but, How about you read the fucking articles that explains everything instead of making a dumb ignorant comment?

Because he is a man!!! Everything is his fault!

and reply with

So you like to beat up your partner, what else would you like to admit to the public?

This is the hill that you take your stand?

Frankie had a lot of issues (i think a stroke or seizure) after Malcolm. He doesn’t remember being on the show. He said he was somewhere and it came on and he was like, “is someone playing me?” his friend replied. “dude thats you” “oh I don’t remember that.”

It is clear this blogger has never been around a construction site, or talked to anyone in the construction industry. 

I totally agree that kids want to be up in the action in the kitchen so to say, also my son likes to be “tall as an adult.We have a small kitchen, so if both kids want to help cook, we have to move stuff to the table.

I totally agree that kids want to be up in the action in the kitchen so to say, also my son likes to be “tall as an

In a post apple arcade world...jesus christ what a goddamn bootlicker.