
turn on closed caption, translate to english. boom

You heard it first on the root...Barak Obama is as racist as 45.

Yes, teach 4 and 6 year old how to handle finances.

The title is wrong, but your title is wrong as well.

15 minutes later...still no fix.

“He didn’t re-engage in this activity,” Epstein’s attorney Martin Weinberg said in court on Monday, per the Times. “It’s not like he’s an out-of-control rapist.”

So you enjoy virus’, trojans and malware! yay! pat on the back for you

Well you didn’t learn shit from history then. Reagan created a LOT of gun laws because black people scared them. (he actually said “no civilian needs to have an assault weapon” while holding up an AK)

Jesus christ you have no idea what you are talking about.

he is a “VSB” but doesn’t know how to greet another adult human...

Is he about to go to bed? Or why is there a glass of warm milk next to his laptop? 

Trash calling trash, trash.

Yes it would because then I could have 5k springs, 5k gears, 5k rubber 5k cloth, and the 50 other scrap items I have. The server is required to know that whenever I look into a stash box, and every time I try to craft something no matter where I am in the world.

So next people will dress up funny and start shooting people, oh wait people have already fucking done that

Jesus fucking christ...first world problems

Found the incel!

You do know, blizzard the company, doesn’t give a flying fuck about gaining your respect...right?

What in the crack pipe are you smoking?

They have written articles why this will not change. Money, time and effort is way too high