You should know that what you’re doing is extremely condescending. Real people are really concerned about the election of Trump. Telling them they shouldn’t be is unhelpful at best.
You should know that what you’re doing is extremely condescending. Real people are really concerned about the election of Trump. Telling them they shouldn’t be is unhelpful at best.
Hamilton, sorry, you’re a great writer, but I have to get this off my chest.
Why am I enjoying this so much?
Damn, I meant non football related questions. For shame.
As a Patriots fan, I say why does anyone ever even bother asking him on football related questions, we all know he never answers them.
It’s not a shitty point that all sports have shitty fans. Shitty people gonna be shitty.
The comment about her receiving the questions ahead of time is hilarious.
Wow, your self-righteousness really showed me the error of my ways. I guess your interpretation of what happened is just the truth.
Is it really necessary to act like I’m being ridiculous?
Title: “Michelle Obama Did Not Lovingly Embrace George W. Bush”
No, I’m just expressing my dissent to an article written by someone whose job it is to subject their views and writing to scrutiny. And I’m a little uncomfortable with the idea that criticizing a journalist is considered “policing.”
And this article is doing the former. I’m not denying that the media inserts narratives into snapshots taken out of context, but doing the exact same thing seems to be a weird way of complaining about it.
Not to mention how absurd it into rail against the media for a perceived misrepresentation of an event through an article with a ridiculously click baity title that engages in the same types of assumptions and baseless narratives as the accused.
But it literally happened. She could have shaken his hand, she could have just touched a shoulder, but she embraced him. Trying to read into the quality of the embrace or what expressions on her face indicate whatever feelings she had is, to me, pointless.
I’m not sure if this is earnest or not, but I feel like this is pretty dumb. Who knows what was possibly going through her mind? Who knows how she feels about Bush? Basing conjecture on a two second snippet from a public event just seems unnecessary to me. What is even the point of this post?
Nah, you can tell because of that whole “empathy” thing.
Empathy doesn’t really seem to be your forté there bud. I’d say the person with no capacity for empathy is a bit more of a raging cunt, but that’s just me.
That was a really well thought out and convincing response. You really made some strong arguments against Poodog’s stance. Truly enlightening.