I love this comment.
I love this comment.
That's kind of how I feel about that method. Ours is still a kitten (under a year, anyway) so we just won't get any nice things til he's older. Thankfully, the couch is an already cat-ified hand-me-down from my parents.
Yep. Our little Kilgore climbed the (expensive!) fabric shower curtain on Christmas. Not going to have him declawed, ever, but GAH!
We adopted a husky a while after my childhood cat passed. She was my sweetheart from when I was 10 to the day before I turned 26, and I still miss her every day. I'd always wanted a husky, so when the time was right, we adopted an amazing 8 year old female husky.
Well, in middle school I was alternately called horseface and horseteeth for 3 years, generally picked on and ostracized, and had my things stolen on occasion, and that sucked. The persistent name-calling had the biggest effect on my self-esteem, and I still struggle with it today. I think things like that are the…
Shockingly, women want to be hired or fired based on professional aptitude, rather than whether or not their employer would fuck them.
I've had forehead wrinkles since I was 17. I had a lot of stress in my youth and I think that's what led to them, but what do I know? I'm so used to them, I mostly just ignore them now.
Yep. I have a $10 silver band I don't wear and all everyone asks about is the ring or the date. I said yes because I will marry him, but I'm building my own business, so not now. I didn't want some engagement insurance ring or a sign that I was 'taken' so I said OK to the silver ring. We'll have an awesome party for…
I just got a silver band because I'm lazier than the average bear. I also don't wear it most of the time. Same reason.
Fuck that. I haven't even bothered explaining my lack of a ring to my friends because half of them 'pity' you for not having a diamond and the other half are offended that you didn't want one, too.
Thank you for sharing this. No one wants to hear this, but it's important to know. No human being should ever be subjected to that kind of violence.
I don't want to see that/I need to see that. My curiosity always overcomes my disgust.
We adopted a grown up husky this summer. Watching her get all jazzed about the snow has been the best. I die.
That truly is just the weirdest thing. I love lavender oil. So glad I'm not allergic!
Another commenter pointed out that I'm wrong about synthetics being absent from these perfumes. That said, I'm against banning perfumes of any kind.
Well, shit. All these years I was wrong because someone told me they didn't have synthetics and I just went with that. Critical thinking fail on my part. Thanks for enlightening me!
Thank you for the hilarious replies.
Nice star.