
Jesus Christ. Bang the lid's rim against the counter. Works every time.

That looks more like Miley Cyrus than Michele Bachmann.

I know! Plus, they might pinch, right? And then I'd die.

The secret is to not shit yourself.

She looks like Baby Spice!

"Legal aliens." You might be racist, Mary.

I love/hate the Afghan Whigs so hard.

This violates the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

I don't know if you'll come to the same conclusion I did, so I'm not going to say much except that I love Andrea from the comics.

Agreed. Just knowing her character from the comics, I couldn't hate her character on the show. I let the book Andrea flow into the on-screen Andrea, for my own sanity.

I loved Andrea and Michonne's very realistic friendship in the comics. I love Andrea in the comics.

I really preferred the way the characters were written in the books. Particularly Andrea, who I love regardless.

Any Canadians know if getting married gives better tax benefits than living common law? Because I will head to city hall if that's the case.

I like that you specify "matte" black. No satin tees for you!

I dunno, as a fellow Canadian, I'm financially independent but also self-employed and am terrified of poverty. As someone who rarely had full-time permanent work (worked part time all my life and full-time on contract after college) before starting my own business, I do fear slipping between the cracks if things were

His dad made a career out of that face.

Ew. They let Harper sign for living things?

She has zero responsibility to learn Korean. If she does learn the language, fluently or not, good for her. Just a bonus.

I like your style and I like you.

I can't believe no one replied to this to say you're exactly right. Because you are.