Yep. I've been drinking because MITT ROMNEY. So I forgot the word we use. I can stop now that Obama's got it and all should be well come sunrise.
Yep. I've been drinking because MITT ROMNEY. So I forgot the word we use. I can stop now that Obama's got it and all should be well come sunrise.
I've never been more relieved, and I live in Canada. Good job, y'all.
The person running the elections office can select the polling stations each year. I'm friends with the guy who runs the elections office in my district.
But here in Ottawa, there are mosques, often in more accessible locations than churches, all over. I can't speak for every place, but this has always vexed me a little.
Ohhh :( My heart. It breaks!
I have nothing to stand on but opinion, but I really like her independence, and I think it's an influence girls can benefit from.
Ohh my god I meant "teach."
I was about to reply to the OP, being all "Whaaat? We have so many black squirrels!" but now I just want to talk to you about albino squirrels.
That shit ruined my tweenhood.
LOL@Ted Nugent.
True. And I can't think of a much better place. Obviously commercial locations would have their own issues.
I'll direct you to my reply to lammonsterface here:
You're right. I get this knee jerk thing going when people act like hunting is inherently bad, but there's no need for a constitutional amendment.
Yes, this is fantastic. I just can't help but think it might be alienating for people who aren't christian to walk into places with crucifixes on the walls.
I'm just going to jump in and try not to sound like an asshole when I say that hunting is a much more ethical way of sourcing food than shopping the supermarket. *ducks* Sorry!
Actually, yes.
I tend to agree. I also find it super messed up that churches are so often used as polling stations, but then again, while I'm not remotely religious, they are some of the last community-oriented institutions around.
On a more serious level, that's why I think she's also a kind-of-awesome role model. Don't get me wrong, I know she's crude. But I think it's great for young women and girls to see a woman acting out and being rewarded. There have always been plenty of over-the-top mainstream male acts, but mainstream female artists…
Why would anyone apologize when you didn't read the article?
Yes. This is why I love her. She's just doing whatever, and it bothers a lot of people, but she's successful and doesn't give a fuck. I love that.