This! She was meant to help him get home/find closure/whatever! Poor guy :(
This! She was meant to help him get home/find closure/whatever! Poor guy :(
I spent 3 weeks reading every last story when I had a moment last year. I run my own business, and this is seriously affecting my productivity but I will not stop.
Also on a mac. In my case, when this happens I have to use the # replies link, or open the commenter profile in a new tab and find their story if there are no replies yet.
The tapping!
Augh that is so freaky. "No, self! Nooooo!"
You just ensured that I'll have nightmares. I am so glad you didn't look at the window. As I said to mmelouve, shit lives in dark mirrors (and windows). I was compelled to look out my bedroom window one night as a kid, but I had this chill, and I did it, and I saw something I cannot explain. My little bro an I were in…
I refuse to look at mirrors or with the lights off. I will turn away or close my eyes. Shit lives in dark mirrors isweartogod.
Maybe because it's happened to other people just like the gas station attendant said! *Cue Twilight Zone music*
I don't care if this isn't legit (according to others). Lalalalalalalalanotlistening. So sweet. Total tearjerker.
To be fair, I don't know if the class for guys involved an oath. Whether or not it did, this kind of thing is messed up, no matter whose sexual experience the school board is trying to dictate.
Thank you, and thanks for the advice. Pepper spray is illegal to carry in self defense in Canada, but I might have to pick up bear mace (same thing) "in case I decide to go camping."
I'm so sorry. That's terrible. You've got me crying because I'm thinking of a high school friend whose boyfriend tried to murder her in front of their daughter a couple of years ago. She survived and he went to jail, sentenced a month ago. I hope you find people you can talk about this with in your life, if and when…
This is annoying. Let us have our fun.
I thought uterus for a minute, too, but have decided to go with IUD with a 'stache.
It looks like an IUD with a mustache!
Go ahead and approach women, but treat them like human beings. Don't use a line, just say "hi." Ask a question or give a compliment on something other than her physiology to try to initiate conversation. If she says she's not interested, leave her alone. If she is polite but cool, please remember that she's not a…
Yeah, but sometimes these fuckers follow you. I had a guy follow me in his car while I was walking my dog a couple of weeks ago.
Do you know the staff at the Starbucks reasonably well? You could always alert the manager that this is happening repeatedly, just so s/he can keep an eye out, or maybe shed light on that guy's deal, though I think you're right to be alarmed.
At our house, we deliberately try to get kids to cry by offering a fake severed finger or eyeball off a plate first. Right when the sniffling or big eyes start, we're like "Just kidding! Have candy!"
Not a big deal. Rich people get them for donating money to charity.