Based on the comments so far, I feel like I should clarify that I'm kidding. I was being sarcastic. I'm not mad at someone I don't know. I know he was making a commentary about an old trope.
Based on the comments so far, I feel like I should clarify that I'm kidding. I was being sarcastic. I'm not mad at someone I don't know. I know he was making a commentary about an old trope.
Yeah it does sound kinda dirty. I guess I never thought twice about it. Not sure if that's just always been on labels where I live, or if it only has recently, since I just started buying stuff that way to save moolah. I will be pissed if prices go up because it's trendy now!
I was unaware of this, and now I'm retroactively mad about the doll, and cheering for Ann.
I just need more time.
I know. I'm just not ready!
I wasn't sure. It rubbed me the wrong way personally, but I still think he's a talented dude. I'm going to let the rest of how he conducts himself dictate my judgment of him.
That's even better. So many people can't find a balance of when to stand up and when to let it go. Seems like he knows exactly when it counts.
What a badass. You raised a great guy.
I love graphic novels and Alan Moore, but my god does he ever have problems when it comes to women.
I don't think she used the right words for her sentiment, or her audience for that matter.
Is bone in a foodie term? I always thought it was for, like, meat that you buy that has the bone in it. Which is cheaper btw. Am I missing sarcasm?
I'm still mad at him for saying pretty girls aren't funny. :(
I used to swear I'd have an open bar at my wedding, but after talking to people who've done it, I've changed my mind to one or two dollar drinks. It at least keeps people thinking about what they're consuming, and saves you from paying for drinks people picked up, finished half of, and abandoned for a new one. More…
Ah, the spirit of capitalism. If you can do something better than the rest of the marketplace without losing money, stop it.
Put your sarcasm glasses on and reread :)
I've gotta say that I really think a severe punishment is merited. It's a terrible attitude toward firearms and people. But this is coming from a lady who is very pissed that her brother (in his mid 20s) still points pellet guns at people when he's drunk. My dad tried to teach us both that rule number one of firearms…
I agree with what you're saying. Personally, I've always seen bullying as being defined by a few things:
Don't want to look like a jerk, simply stop leaving judgmental comments about subjective personal choices, presenting your own opinion as fact. You don't need to shame anyway. Nothing good comes from it.