There’s always Sunless Sea.
There’s always Sunless Sea.
White vegetarians/vegans are singlehandedly responsible for non-Asian people thinking tofu is gross and scary.
I kinda apologize for being the person who inflicts homebaked goods on workplaces, family, etc.
Re: Hunter Jr.: It’ll mostly depend on the progress of his case and what makes the news. Odds aren’t good, but are the best they’ve ever been.
Wait, how obscure is that, does anyone think I’m joking? I am absolutely not joking, that was a thing.
Yes, I should have said “where taste must be a factor.” In a sandwich, the green factor is a side player, free to provide either crunch or taste alone, with the other ingredients willing and able to pick up the slack should the greens lack taste or be wilted by heat (though a sandwich is allowed to be totally soft, as…
For prime midcentury-ness, the Fiestaware should be nontrivially radioactive.
How do I give negative stars.
I haaaaaaate prepackaged produce. Ugh.
The ones at the Ralphs (Krogers) by me have a button at the bottom that you can press to mute the thing. A lovely, lovely button.
Looks more like a Wile E. Coyote than a Bugs Bunny. That bunny just realized it ran off a cliff three seconds ago.
The chicken heart is the most beef-like part of the chicken, if that makes sense. Got a good hearty taste to it; you know you’re meeting your day’s requirement of iron.
The USA allows for a number of methods for the replacement of public officials besides defeat in an election, as that can be unacceptably slow in certain cases, such as if the person is dead (Kennedy) or just fucked up super bad (Nixon). Resignation through sheer public shame, impeachment and conviction, 25th…
Kinja is wigging out on me and I can’t respond to your comment directly, so: yes, fava bean preparation is a pain in every butt because you have to A: shuck the beans (no big deal, it’s beans, they need shucking) B: blanch the beans (woah, woah, this is getting to be a little more than I like to do as just…
YES. You get it. Got to have those avocado chunks.
Fava beans are too much work. Can’t just shuck them like regular beans, oh no, gotta actually peel each individual bean.
MAPO TOFU. You don’t even have to make the sauce, you can get these little sauce packets at the Asian aisle in your grocery store, (probably) (it might also be labeled “ma po tofu” or “mabo dofu” or other variant, depending on the brand) (if it’s House Foods, that’s a Japanese brand and you’ll want the Hot level of…
And mine touch even when I’m underweight :/, so when the idea of the “thigh gap” first started getting widespread I was very confused.