Pteradactyl What!

I'm calling shenanigans. This looks closer to an old x86 MS-DOS or Amiga game in terms of graphical and audio fidelity.


The Rangers helped a lot, since the pitches he saw were (in order) up, up, down, down, left, right, left and right in his first Batting Attempt at the start of the game.

Now playing

More importantly, how does he stack up against this kid?

I wish the ball hit this kid in the face.

Also hate when people don't specify Paris, TX or Rome, GA.

Yes, rapid burial can only happen in a global flood. No local flood, mudslide, rockslide, earthquake, quicksand, cave-in, or any other lesser disaster could possibly do it.

Please be a Rogue Squadron movie, Please be a Rogue Squadron movie, Please be a Rogue Squadron movie, Please be a Rogue Squadron movie, Please be a Rogue Squadron movie, Please be a Rogue Squadron movie, Please be a Rogue Squadron movie, Please be a Rogue Squadron movie,Please be a Rogue Squadron movie, Please be a

STERLING: I need this. Please, would you... I need this. Please.
STIVIANO: But, darling, I just... I just can't. I've never faked anything in my life.
STIVIANO: [Holds breath]
STIVIANO: [Looks upward expectantly]
STERLING: [Looks upward]
STIVIANO: [Continues looking upward]
STERLING: [Continues looking upward]

Wow, you are right. It's Chekhov's shovel! This really is a triumph of a film.

oh sure, now you're going to Time Shame us.

My brother says something similar to me all the time. My opinion on it is pretty simple though. Angle of attack has more to do with how planes fly than airfoils do.

a hulkamaniac. he powerbombs muthafuckas into thumbtacks.

I work at Whole Foods, you wouldn't have the slightest idea of how retarded the people are who shop there. Its like Starbucks to them. I had this one lady who wouldn't even eat bee honey. Fucking RETARDS.