
I read the article, and the concept of a Backlog Event seems... eh? Why should we have to rely on Valve to make us focus on our backlog? Why should Valve make us look at our backlog? Wouldn’t a tiny amount of self-control to not look at the Storefront help you focus on your backlog? What about setting your default tab

So, Valve should be responsible for people’s inability to finish, or even play, the games they own?

Without the commentary, I probably wouldnt read Kotaku as much as I do.

Translation: "This person has a hobby I find worthless. Allow me to mock them for it, because apparently all of my hobbies have legitimate social value."

Not all of us that do these massive builds are social outcasts with unending free time. Some of us are just good at time management. I got featured on kotaku a few years ago for my massive scale house and it took me 6 months. That while being full-time employed, married with a son and run my own company. It's possible

its damn good but its universally recognized that Jurassic Park has the Ultimate Dad Joke... :p

Oh god yeah, my handwriting is the worst these days. When I write something it looks like a drunk elephant walked past with a pen in their trunk.

I lost something.. HANDWRITING. I find while of course I can still write, I have far less muscle memory than before.. I can't seem to make it neat, it's not a fluid non-thinking motion, etc.

Oh god. My 6th birthday party. Mom gave me the invitations to hand out to my friends and I lost them. Only one kids showed, and he arrived crying because he wanted to be at soccer practice instead.

There is nothing sadder than an empty (*insert anything people put a lot of effort into because they believed in it*)!

Like small businesses, concerts... *sob*


There is nothing sadder than a empty convention. When several people worked really hard to make this all happen, and then it doesn't pay of, and the sad feeling gets multiplied with the vast emptiness of the hall.

I'm basically ready to pack my stuff into my Constellation and live in Star Citizen when it releases.

Yikes, that figure is...really cheap looking. I'd rather have the artwork as collector's litho or something.

You can make food with wheat (bread, cake, cookies). You can tame animals, you can harvest sugar cane and use it to make paper, and use the paper to make books, then use the books to fill bookcases. Every block has it's own properties and function.

If you play the "survival" part of the game, it is wheat and it is used to make bread, cookies and cakes. But if you play in "creative" mode, well, it's just cosmetic, but the reason to play "creative" is because you want to create something, like in the Sims when you use the cheat to have lots of money and will put

you harvest wheat to make bread etc.. Everything in MC can be used to do something. I often have pretty large wheat farms as I like how they look, and bread is a decent enough food. I've played it with in game vegetarians too, so they don't like killing stuff, wheat, melons etc become a lot more important then. :D

It wouldn't take 4. It would take around 10. And by then the graphics will be outdated by future standards.

I really wish there was a definitive mod collection that could be installed without spending hours on NexusMods downloading crap and figuring out which ones require you to edit your .ini...

that's easy if you live in a country with free speech in its constitution. Not so much if you live somewhere where anonymity is all that's keeping you from jail for criticizing the government . No, I don't have an answer.

I'm in slight disbelief that a couple hundred hours is considered low. But then again, it is Skyrim we're talking about...