
The Far Cry 3: Classic Edition was technically released a month ago, though only for the Far Cry 5 season pass holders so maybe that doesn’t count. Although only digital in the U.S., the U.K. actually gets a retail release on those. Also, Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy has a new version on PS4 this week that includes

I’m not sure what constitutes a “big game” but since you have The Banner Saga 3 on here you could add The Banner Saga Trilogy which hits retail on July 24th for PS4 and Xbox One. Also, Sega informed its retail clients of the release date for the Shenmue I & II collection but for some reason it wants it kept

I was expecting the original game to appear here as well as it did review rather well when it released. I’m more familiar with the Genesis game myself which was different since Sega developed it while Ocean Software had the license for Nintendo platforms. If you’re interested, my personal blog has EGM’s reviews of the

Oddly enough, Fallout 76 isn’t the only game set in West Virginia that was shown at E3. The other is Dontnod’s Twin Mirror that is being published by Bandai Namco.

Thanks for the info! I was curious if there was a reason the two photos were posted within a week of one another but I guess it’s probably due to popularity. I also just realized it looks like an area of the Yakuza 0 game that is modeled after Osaka.

I’ll just shamelessly plug my own that terrible? :) Admittedly I’m not great at writing or making videos but if you like video game magazines from the early ‘90s I post ads every Saturday alphabetically by game publisher (up to Kemco) and once in a while old magazine reviews and articles so there is some fun

This photo features the exact same location as the photo from May 9th. Is there something special about this particular spot?

Yeah, I thought of that immediately as well. It’s actually been 10 years already since that aired and it only lasted one season (eight episodes). Still, I’m surprised the title would be re-used this soon as the original is clearly not forgotten yet.

While the standard edition of State of Decay 2 does release on the 22nd, the Ultimate Edition releases on the 18th.

I hope so. I’m someone that generally buys a discounted video card the year after a new version hits but I don’t expect that to be possible this time. No idea when the next wave of cards is though I’d have to assume when new cards release there won’t be any stock remaining of the current cards.

Was it always planned to be free-to-play? I don’t recall seeing that when I purchased the game last December. It was my understanding that buying it in early access grants all future content for free but I guess just buying it at any time does that. Of course, the more frustrating thing is video card prices have not

While not a bad joke, not all of those items were actually made by Nintendo. The Power Glove is Mattel, U-Force is from Broderbund, and Bandai developed the Power Pad, though Nintendo did bring the Power Pad to the U.S.

Have any of the Sega ones actually been from Sega up to this point? I think those have all been from third parties that paid Sega for a license. Of course, the hardware still saturates the market regardless of what company produced it, and if those are all poor quality they could impact the recently announced Mega

I don’t like skipping games either but I never played Yakuza 2 or 5, and feel like I missed out by not playing 5 as I started 6 last night. As someone else mentioned, 6 does have recaps of the other game though that’s all text from the main menu. I think it was Yakuza 3 that had rather long video story recaps of the

Your card is only four years old it looks like, that’s not too bad. My 6850 is from 2010! I’ve posted a number of times on here about the video card prices, too many I’m sure. It’s so frustrating though as I do want to purchase a new one but I don’t even like paying a dollar over the MSRP and the prices have been

I played it for two weeks and was having a frustratingly fun time until my PS4 suddenly stopped working. I’ve wondered for nearly three weeks if the game messed up my hard drive as it was the only thing I played for those two weeks and if you search the game plus PS4 corrupt saves you’ll find plenty of angry people

I never even thought about backing up console saves until two weeks ago :/ My PS4 has something wrong with it and I think I lost everything since it’s probably the hard drive (shut down when I clicked on storage in the settings menu, and now only goes into safe mode — re-initializing is probably my only option).

The art was used in some print ads as well. There is a single page version and a larger one I scanned a while ago that I think was a foldout ad.

Before you install all of your software, did you check if Windows is seeing the full size of your hard drive? Maybe you already know this but you seem to know less than I do and this was new to me :) Last weekend I installed a 4TB hard drive and after getting it all set up I realized Windows could only see 2TB. It

If you didn’t open the Steamlink return it! It’s only $4.99 right now during the Winter Sale: Also, I believe the Freesync part of that monitor is only for AMD video cards. Of course, you got the video card for free so not a big deal as that is a huge savings. It