I can agree with this analysis, not only for the cultural signifigance, but because after Christmas sales are one the best times to shop of the year.
I can agree with this analysis, not only for the cultural signifigance, but because after Christmas sales are one the best times to shop of the year.
His theories are about as valid as this esteemed researcher.
Next is the story of the birth of Jesus:
I had a rather excitable guy come to me at the library a couple of days ago wanting books about “The Moors” and eventually through much frustrating back and forth that he was not talking about the muslim inhabitants of the iberian peninsula during the middle ages, but the magical negros who came to the americas before…
Hotep Hogwarts sounds lit tho
“Dr” “Umar” “Johnson” is a fraud & exists b/c single black mothers r prolific. This dude isn’t 4 men, black white or yellow. His game is 2 establish an “alpha male” persona in the “conscious” community to prey on female hypergamy and enrich himself w/ speeches and donations.
In the spirit of trying to help white people.....
I never believed in Santa either. My classmates would be like “Santa is coming” and I’d be like “no my uncle will be at my house stupid”.
“Black children, on the other hand, have about 16-17 minutes of wondrous folly before they realize that the idea of a benevolent white man bringing joy to their lives is highly questionable.”
The average black household goes through 349 pies, 11 red-velvet cakes and six of those tins of hard-ass Royal Dansk cookies.
Thanks. I’m feeling like the mythical Tiresias these days, caught between two arguing fools, only this case it’s political parties instead of gods.
This is a common misconception. Zelda is the scientist. You’re thinking of Zelda’s Monster.
That’s exactly what Zelda’s brother Luigi would say!
Literally anyone could have written that false information. Your sources are suspect.
I was a political science major, and I have been doing a lot of thinking about what a Jones upset would mean. It’s pretty significant, and requires a fair amount of nuanced thinking. So I apologize in advance if this gets kind of dense and long, but here’s the analysis of someone who studies and thinks about this…
Looks like the coffee boy might have all the secrets, now here’s to hoping he spills the beans.
I was wondering would someone would address that comment, in Monique’s article. It was very “I watch ‘Rick and Morty’” to me.
Found the new guy.
My company went into a licensing agreement with Lisa Frank on 2011. Twelve years later I still recount the stories as some of the most bizarre business situations I’ve ever been in. Thank you for sharing the craziness with the rest of the world Jezebel- I often wondered how the whole thing turned out!