lol, when the first thing that comes to your mind about any group of people is what you don’t like about them, then maybe you should reevaluate yourself and your, ahem, implicit biases.
lol, when the first thing that comes to your mind about any group of people is what you don’t like about them, then maybe you should reevaluate yourself and your, ahem, implicit biases.
I cannot believe how many white people here think every Chinese person is exactly the same. Just because you call yourself progressive doesn’t mean you’re suddenly not racist!
Geez. That’s not surprising, but still gross.
Folding Kinja into the Onion (and Clickhole) was a mistake.
Oh my god
Yeah! I took the ant ecology course with Michele last fall. Her past work on turtle ant microbiomes is what is most relevant to my academic interests, but I am in awe of how much she knows the area’s biodiversity and geography as a naturalist. She really is the perfect lead scientist for the SWRS.
I can’t wait for the inevitable parodies. Power tools personified as anime schoolgirls! Doorknobs battling darkness dressed as gothic lolitas! Bishounen sectional sofas!
Or maybe the other way around, the anime industry tapping into the resurgent nativism in the US and the EU. Either way, I agree that it sounds like a gun nut militia man’s wet dream.
Arizona to Maine! TBH I’d be more excited going the other way, having lived in eastern deciduous forest my entire life I know that disturbed, secondary, and primary unlogged forest are very different, but Arizona is just about unparalleled in the amount of habitat and biodiversity crammed into one state. The plants…
That’s awesome, I can’t believe you already finished your post-doc! Is your job taking you out west then?
Hey Crouching Tiger, I hope I’m not wrong about this but I believe we talked about ecology here on Kinja once? I’m headed to grad school this fall!
As a gardener and biologist, thank you for your service.
Splinter has always needed more good, hard foreign policy articles by experienced journalists in addition to takes by young bloggers. Thanks for the good Kinja!
So Damon Young is Damon Old now? lol
A Fruit Dove can never be A Dog.
Thanks, this ruined my day.
Haven’t you been around old Gawker forever? Why are you grey?
I’ve been travelling a lot the past couple months, and having to use public airport bathrooms has really lowered my standards for what counts as a ‘good’ bathroom. As long as the bathroom stall doesn’t have a huge puddle in it, I am now comfortable with sitting down and sharting as loudly and proudly and odoriferously…
It’s been so long since I last experienced a Rom Roberts comment