Psychopomps: Sleep and Death

I don’t know if anyone else is seeing this, but it looks like she has a faint mustache???

Crazy Ex Girlfriend has changed my life.

One state

I hate to admit it but Sally Yates feels like years ago. This administration needs to hurry up with this nuclear holocaust it’s already committed to.

How would you even blackmail a guy like that? All his dirty racist laundry he already airs out in the open.

because something something not newsworthy, in their own words, probably

None yet, but pulling the teeth out of the provisions in Dodd-Frank mandating that financial advisors actually act in the interest of their clients is pretty big.

I think he’s confusing friendship with amiable politeness and professionalism. Donald thinks that people who don’t outright speak down to him to his face like he does to everyone else must like him, because he doesn’t have the adult social skills or mindset to understand that grown-ups put aside their differences to

It is literally high school humor. My kid brother models his schtick from PewDiePie (gross) and has tried to get me to laugh at some of his recent videos. I get more out of a good Deadspin pun or a sharp Trump epithet on Jezebel than one of his edge 4 kidz videos.

Watching bats flying out of the woods in numbers at dusk is a magical feeling. It’s astonishing that these dim circling shapes in the air are the youngest of only 4 major animal groups known to have achieved fully powered flight.

If he was cool he would have apologized for Japan’s use of comfort women during the war.

I am terrified for next year’s gubernatorial race in PA. I feel like Wolf could very well be replaced with a Republican who would pass just these types of bills.

Yeah, I was gonna say—it’s so quaint how he actually goes around to places and makes plans to meet people (in person!) in order to bring down those he sees as political foes.

I totally agree with your point but the tragedy of it all is that diversifying and evolving can be difficult for these communities, especially if most residents are older and younger people are fleeing elsewhere. And once a community loses its prosperity, it’s hard (but not impossible)

Actually the best part of the election was 500 Days of Kristin Day 379, which was also 365 days ago

Ummm I believe you just plagiarized the opening to Chapter 5 of my future memoir

His teeth gaps look like he flosses with a jumprope

Oh Lord one of those one-line paragraph comments

I’m surprised they don’t do this on purpose—they are so cartoonishly evil that I expected them to carry out meetings only in dark rooms.